Future Coalition is the leading organization behind progressive youth activism. Our intergenerational team is providing young people with the tools, resources, and support to power their ideas and amplify their impact around the nation.



We’re celebrating Black History Month by highlighting young Black leaders who are fighting for progressive change and justice – both in their communities and across the nation.


This week, we’re celebrating Representative Maxwell Frost of Orlando, Florida!

Maxwell Frost won his election in 2022, making history as the first member of Gen Z to serve in Congress. At 27 years old, he is currently the youngest member of Congress.


Two months after taking office, Rep. Frost introduced a bill to create the first federal office to combat gun violence and enforce gun control legislation. President Biden took executive action to create the Office of Gun Violence Prevention in September – and Rep. Frost joined him at the White House for the major announcement.

In Congress, Frost serves on the important House Oversight Committee, where he demands transparency from government agencies like Border Patrol and works to find solutions to problems facing Americans right now. He uses his position to call out extremist Republicans’ lies and corruption – including their refusal to act on common-sense gun control measures to end mass shootings.


Frost is deeply committed to advocating for his home state of Florida, especially while far-right extremists like Governor Ron DeSantis hold office. He has spoken out against book bans, abortion restrictions, and racist educational standards in Florida, holding Republicans accountable for their dangerous policies and demanding action.


Prior to his election to Congress, Frost was a dedicated organizer and community activist. He focused much of his work on the fight against gun violence, and after surviving a shooting in Orlando this only inspired him more. Frost went on to work as the first National Organizing Director for March for Our Lives. As a young political leader himself, Frost wants young people to have a seat at the table, and he is dedicated to building a platform that best represents the newest generation of voters.

Friend, Maxwell Frost was the first Gen-Z Congressman, but he won’t be the last. Young changemakers like Frost are taking office nationwide to help solve the most important issues of our generation – and supporters like you are critical to their historic victories.

Click here to make sure you’re registered and ready to vote for the next wave of young leaders in your community this fall! >>

Thank you for celebrating Black History Month with us, Friend!

Future Coalition

Thank you for being a strong supporter of Future Coalition, Friend!

The historic youth voter turnout of 2020 and 2022 has proven that young people hold power in shaping our political future. Now, our intergenerational team is working 24/7 to amplify youth impact and mobilize record numbers of youth political participation in November.

Our on-the-ground work would not be possible without the support of folks who share our vision of transformative change, powered by young people. We’re gearing up to mobilize millions of youth voters ahead of the November election, and we need your support.

Rush a donation to Future Coalition now to boost youth political participation >>

Paid for by Future Coalition