Thanks to your advocacy, today the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency released its final rule updating the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter, tightening the standard for soot pollution from 12 to 9 micrograms per cubic meter. This standard will improve air quality and public health for all Americans, especially in communities overburdened by deadly particle pollution from power plants.
This is a proud day for the ASBN community. After our call to action, 170 businesses urged the EPA to strengthen soot regulations. ASBN’s business leaders know that regulations protecting public health and the environment – especially of our most vulnerable communities – are not in conflict with business success.
Let’s be clear: Many organizations that claim to speak for the business community lobbied hard against these regulations – including the National Association of Manufacturers, American Road & Transportation Builders Association, and the American Chemistry Council – claiming that soot regulation would result in economic hardship.
But ASBN members fought back, making the case that clean air is good for business. And we won.
These standards will have a profound impact on our businesses and communities. Right now, more than 20 million Americans experience dangerous levels of soot. The EPA estimates that the new rule will save 4,200 lives, prevent 5,400 new cases of asthma and 10,000 emergency room visits, and avoid 270,000 lost workdays – each year.
We applaud our members for their continued advocacy for strong clean air protections, and thank the Biden Administration and EPA Administrator Regan for working with the sustainable business community to make clean air a right for all Americans.