Dear Friend,
We’ve got some exciting news to share. The National Homelessness Law Center has a new “home.” Our new mailing address is: 
1400 16th Street, NW 
Suite 425 
Washington, DC 20036 
Please take a moment to update our mailing address for your records.
I wanted to also take this opportunity to thank you for being a part of our important work to ensure that unhoused Americans have a home, shelter, and aren’t penalized for being unhoused.
States across the country are bringing legislative and legal challenges that would harm the safety of unhoused adults, children, and families. Thanks to you, we are fighting back. In April, the Supreme Court will hear oral arguments about a pivotal case, Johnson v. Grants Pass, that will decide whether cities can punish people for things like sleeping outside with a pillow or blanket, even when there are no safe shelter options. To learn more about this case and what it means for our unhoused neighbors, click here. 
Please follow us on our socials @homeless_law and if you have any questions, contact our Development Associate, Hailey Aldrich, at [email protected]. We are grateful for your support as the Law Center takes this next step! 
Thank you, 
Antonia Fasanelli, Executive Director
National Homelessness Law Center

National Homelessness Law Center
2000 M Street, N.W., Suite 750-E
Washington, DC 20036
