Dear John,
I am thrilled to announce two significant additions to ARC’s leadership team: Dana Jackson, our new Deputy Director, and Norma Cumpian, our new Assistant Deputy Director. Please join me in extending a warm welcome to them both as they embark on this exciting journey with us.

A person wearing a hatDescription automatically generatedDana Jackson previously served as ARC’s Director of Human Resources and Talent Success, and she will now serve as Deputy Director. She established the Human Resources department at ARC and played a pivotal role in shaping the organization's internal structure and fostering a supportive and inclusive work environment.   

With a background in the non-profit space, human resources and employment law,  Dana's leadership has been characterized by a commitment to listening and responding to the needs of staff. In an effort to ensure that ARCs team thrives in a conducive and supportive work environment, Dana empowered the HR team to be a conduit for staff concerns and to provide tailored support. One notable initiative introduced by the HR Department was the implementation of "Summer Fridays", a program designed to exhibit appreciation for employees and enhance morale.   

 In addition to fostering a positive workplace culture, Dana took significant strides in enhancing ARC's organizational structure. Serving as a voice on the Executive Management Team, Dana consistently advocated for a balanced approach, maintaining a focus on risk, stability, and structure while valuing the importance of understanding individual perspectives. Under her helm, ARC staff has increased by over 31%, so far, and we intend to keep growing.  

"As Deputy Director, my goal is to continue cultivating an environment where every member of the Anti-Recidivism Coalition feels heard, supported, and empowered. I aim to make a lasting impact in the lives of those not only those we serve, but also those we work with, as we contribute to the broader mission of breaking the cycle of recidivism."  - Dana 

A person in a black jacketDescription automatically generatedNorma Cumpian will now serve as the Assistant Deputy Director. Her prior roles at ARC include Life Coach, Women’s Department Manager, and Director of Women’s services. She leaves the Women’s department in an excellent position, acknowledging that the pillars and programs she built there will continue to benefit and uphold system impacted women throughout ARC’s future. With this new position, Norma hopes to serve our community by affecting and influencing workplace culture and fostering environments that prioritize diversity, equity, and inclusion, within the organization, creating opportunities for our staff to thrive and contribute meaningfully to society.  

Norma comes into this new role with a stellar past filled with numerous accomplishments. After receiving an unconditional pardon from Governor Brown, Governor Newsom appointed her to the Board of State and Community Corrections (BSCC) with senate approval in 2020. In 2023, she was re-appointed for a second term. Also in 2023, Norma was appointed by Los Angeles County Supervisor, Hilda Solis, to serve as a Commissioner on the Sybil Brand Commission, further expanding her sphere of influence in advocating for the rights and representation of marginalized communities.  

Throughout her extensive tenure, Norma remains steadfast in her mission to amplify the voices of formerly incarcerated individuals, ensuring their perspectives are not only heard but valued in shaping policies and initiatives aimed at fostering a more just and inclusive society. 

“I am honored to be Assistant Deputy Director, especially considering my journey through ARC, starting as a Life Coach and to now assume this role. I am grateful for the trust and support extended to me, and I am eager to contribute my best to the continued success of ARC.”-Norma

We are fortunate to have such talented individuals joining our team, and I am truly excited to work alongside these two incredible leaders. Dana and Norma possess unique skills and experiences that promise to help propel ARC forward into a new era of progress. I’m deeply thankful for the opportunity to work with such amazing talent to help lead ARC towards our goal of ending mass incarceration. Let’s give them a warm welcome and offer our full support as they settle into their new roles. 
Thank you for joining me in welcoming Dana Jackson and Norma Cumpian to our team.


Sam Lewis
Executive Director
Anti-Recidivism Coalition
Anti-Recidivism Coalition 
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