February 7, 2024
Last week I penned an article which was posted in both The Times of Israel and The Connecticut Centinal. In it, I dissect how Himes is transiting the arc from being pro-Israel on the day of the Hamas attacks in October, to being increasingly sympathetic to the cause of Hamas.

Not that Himes doesn't try his political jujitsu, having it both ways, on most every major public issue requiring a principled stand, but this issue is highly-visible, and rather stark. The highly agitated Leftist base driving the leadership of the Democrat party, is demanding Himes travel that arc to their full-throated support of Hamas and the Palestinians.

In attempting to advance a significant step to comply, Himes thought it was a good idea to let the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) lead an online discussion on the Israel-Palestine conflict. CAIR is a well-documented supporter of Islamist terrorists, including Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, going back to the '90s. Yep, he lets a pro-terrorist group help him placate his radical base with his participation, while he let his lips get a little too loose, as he revealed some of his deep-seated thinking... and it's not pretty. I guess he was hoping we wouldn't notice. Here's my article:


The Connecticut Centinal
Established 1802

Jim Himes' HAMAS Problem

By Bob MacGuffie
February 2, 2024

It seems that CT congressman Jim Himes has finally decided which side of the divide he comes out on regarding the HAMAS War.

According to a report by the website “Responsible Statecraft,” (RS) which has thus far not been denied by the Himes Campaign:

“A senior Democratic lawmaker recently said that it’s easier to back Israeli government policy, in many instances at the expense of the Palestinians, because pro-Israel lobbyists have a relatively more influential presence on Capitol Hill.” Himes-Israel-Lobby

While I welcome this dissembler’s decision to take a clear stand, it is unfortunately, in agreement with the most RADICAL members of the Democrat party, and far from his incessant positioning while here in our District that he’s a “moderate.”

According to RS, in the October 23, 2023 meeting with constituents, Himes - a ranking member of the House Intelligence Committee – showed the cards he usually keeps so close to his vest. Himes said:

“The Palestinians have very legitimate claims” and have been “subject to brutal injustice…”

Himes is upset that pro-Israel groups such as J-Street and the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) exercise great pro-Israeli influence on Congress. He claims that this is not because Israel is one of America’s most important allies… or because Israel is the ONLY Democracy in the Middle East… or because Israel is fighting on the front lines against a hideously cruel and barbaric form of Islamist Fascist Terrorism that is directed as much against the USA (the “Great Satan”) as it is against Israel (the “Little Satan”); Oh no…Congress is pro-Israel because doing so is “the path of least resistance” – Himes’ words.

Thus, Jim Himes hauls out one of the most historically specious antisemitic tropes; that is, that Israel is corrupting American politics via its spread of lucre, and by frequently visiting with politicians on Capitol Hill so as to bribe them into backing Israeli policies against the Palestinians........

You can read the complete article here: Himes' HAMAS Problem

I will make the 2024 election a referendum on Jim Himes’ failed 15-year rule.

If you want to help the candidate who will prosecute an effective and successful case against Himes, please contribute right here: Donate

Please re-circulate this message to any and all who are interested...or should be.
Help is on the way,

Bob MacGuffie
Candidate for Congress