Dear John,
It’s here. The blueprint we’ve been working toward, and what the world needs right now: The Trans Agenda for Liberation.
With the crisis of COVID-19, the world is different for many. But trans communities have been under crisis since before the pandemic. Despite this, trans people have forever been at the forefront of recognizing our deepest societal challenges while having the vision and brilliance to create new futures. Trans liberation transforms our society and makes us all, as a whole, more connected, strong, and resilient against moments like this one.
The Trans Agenda for Liberation is the future of our communities. Now is the time. Sign onto the Trans Agenda now to show your support.

Our coalition of Black and brown trans women, Indigenous folks, people who are incarcerated, disabled trans people, those of us living with HIV, elders, youth, and other members of our community, have built this agenda. It’s for you. It’s for us, together. It moves all of us closer to liberation.
Today, we launch the Trans Agenda’s first pillar, Black Trans Women and Black Trans Femmes Leading and Living Fiercely. We honor the wisdom of Black trans women and Black trans femmes who, in the face of historical and ongoing discrimination and violence, are thriving and leading the solutions for cultural, economic, and political change in our society.
The Trans Agenda is a result of our ancestors’ tireless efforts towards freedom. This is a result of our brilliance and determination to transform our world. It places trans people at the center, and it’s about all people. Because we know trans liberation makes the world a better place for all. Join us.
To freedom,
Micky Bradford
National Organizer
Transgender Law Center