Greater DC Update
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Greater DC Update
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Housing insecurity in the District of Columbia
More than 1 in 10 DC residents experience housing insecurity, disproportionately affecting certain groups, including residents in Wards 7 and 8, households with children, and Black and Hispanic residents.
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Evaluating the Five-City Equitable Development Workforce Pilot
The pilot aims to develop a scalable, replicable workforce-training model to ensure neighborhood residents benefit from new infrastructure-reuse projects. Over its second year, sites—including DC’s—have moved toward this goal but remain at different development stages.
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Residents have varying responses to redevelopment of St. Elizabeth’s East
Researchers asked Congress Heights residents about their perspectives on St. Elizabeth’s East campus’s redevelopment. Their views highlight the potential importance of creative placemaking and economic mobility initiatives.
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New podcast episode: Evidence in Action – Local solutions, national impact
Urban’s President Sarah Rosen Wartell speaks with Stephen Benjamin, director of the White House Office of Public Engagement, in this podcast episode. They explore the potential of applying locally sourced solutions to address national problems.
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