
The situation at the United States border is a disaster. 

We are witnessing historic levels of migrants attempting to enter the country illegally, including an unprecedented number of individuals on the terrorist watch list. 

Chinese migrants are using information posted on Chinese TikTok to cross the border, and their numbers have increased more than 50-fold in under two years.

Border agents are overwhelmed and overburdened thus leading to more migrants  who successfully evade capture, known as "got-aways." This situation not only poses a direct threat to Americans’ and migrants’ safety but also strains our resources and undermines the integrity of our immigration system.
Cartels are raking in massive profits while human trafficking the most vulnerable — women and children. Smuggling migrants into America is now a multiple billion dollar, booming industry. 

Most Americans believe that the Southern border is being invaded.

We need to immediately secure our nation. Make no mistake, President Biden has the ability to do so, but is choosing not to take action placing us farther at risk.

Securing the border is more than just physical protection which is critical, but must occur alongside comprehensive reform of our asylum and parole laws with a robust long-term strategy to stem the tide of illegal migration.

The impact of these issues on our national security and the rule of law cannot be overstated.

In light of these pressing concerns, we are calling on you to join us in demanding meaningful reform. By signing the Safe Border petition, you are taking a stand for a more secure, orderly, and humane border policy.
Please, take a moment to sign the Safe Border petition and help us call for the urgent reforms our country needs. Share this message with your network to amplify our collective voice.

Thank you for your commitment to a safer, more secure America.


Meaghan Mobbs
Senior Fellow
Independent Women’s Forum