Your support is crucial – help us protect a steadfast protector of the Constitution.
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Dear John,

An urgent matter has come to my attention, and your immediate assistance is needed.

Over 1 million radical Democrats have mobilized in an effort to impeach Justice Clarence Thomas—a stalwart defender of our Constitution and conservative values. This unwarranted attack cannot go unchallenged.

Look, John, my commitment is unwavering: to fortify our ranks with individuals like you—patriots who will stand for justice and preserve the integrity of our nation’s highest court.

Now is the time to take a strong, collective stance. Join us by adding your signature to our petition and show that we are united in our support for Justice Thomas.


Your signature sends a powerful message: that the attempts to weaken the voice of a dedicated and principled justice will not be taken lightly. It's a message of our commitment to the principles Justice Thomas upholds.

Justice Thomas's opinions have long reflected a profound respect for the rule of law and the freedoms we cherish. Your action today ensures he can continue his critical work without the threat of groundless political tactics shadowing his service.

This isn’t just a political battle—it’s a testament to our resolve in protecting the values that make our country strong. Chairman Michael Whatley and I stand fervently in this fight, and with your vigorous support, we will keep North Carolina—and indeed our nation—firmly on the path of conservative principles.


We sincerely appreciate your timely support. It resonates with the dedication and spirit that is the hallmark of our party. Thank you for standing with us, with Justice Clarence Thomas, and with the foundational pillars of our great nation.

In solidarity,

North Carolina Republican Party

Sarah Newby
Finance Director, North Carolina Republican Party

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Paid for by North Carolina Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 1506 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605, United States