Diana DeGette for Congress

We're officially nine months away from Election Day, Johh.

Right now, House Republicans are doing everything they can to push back the progress we’ve made under the Biden administration. Since electing Mike Johnson to the speakership, extreme MAGA Republicans have passed cruel abortion bills, worked to undermine climate science, and brought our government to the verge of shutdown on three separate occasions.

This way of governing is unsustainable and threatens the very foundation of our democracy. Our nation can’t afford another Trump presidency, and Diana sees that. That’s why she’s doing everything in her power to take back the House and re-elect President Joe Biden to the White House.

As we get closer and closer to the most consequential election of our lifetime, we need to know:

Will you join Diana as she fights to take back the House and re-elect President Joe Biden so we can have a functioning government to protect reproductive rights and Colorado's natural beauty 🤠⛰️?

Thank you,

Team DeGette




Diana is relying on grassroots donors to continue fighting for Colorado values in Congress. Can we count on you to chip in $5 — or whatever you can today — to help her keep fighting?


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Paid for by Diana DeGette for Congress, Inc., Edgar Neel, Treasurer

Diana DeGette for Congress
PO Box 61337
Denver, CO 61337
United States

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