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For all the latest information, news and access to council services go to

When possible please help us by using the website. This means we can prioritise phonelines for those who need us the most.

Stay at home
Following last night’s announcement by the Prime Minister restrictions have been
put in place to minimise the spread of infection and protect the health of the wider population. The latest restrictions include:

Closure of all council-owned playgrounds including all play areas, tennis courts,
Multi Use Games Areas and skate parks

All weddings, baptisms and social events have been cancelled

People should only be out in public places with members of the same household

All shops that do not sell non-essential goods must close

For the full list of measures and the latest Government news and advice, visit

We are urging you to stay at home and limit all but essential travel in
order to contain the spread of coronavirus.

Support, help and tips for people self-isolating
Practical information and advice for individuals and families who are
self-isolating can be found here.

Waste and Recycling
Recycle For Greater Manchester have closed all household waste recycling centres with immediate effect. For more information, visit Recycle For Greater Manchester

You should put your bins out as usual on collection day and if they are not
emptied take them back to your property. Unfortunately, we are unable to
collect additional waste.

Bulky Bob’s will also be suspending all collection services until further notice.  

Play your part, continue to go online for council services

Right now we need to do deliver more services online to protect each other from sickness. If you need to speak to us about the following essential services,
you can also call us between 9am and 5pm:

• Council Tax – 0161 770 6622
• Housing Benefit – 0161 770 6633
• Registering Births and Deaths – 0161 770 8960
• Rubbish and Recycling 0161 770 6644
• Multi-agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) 0161 770 7777

For Housing Options, homelessness and temporary accommodation needs,
call 0161 770 4605, open 24hours.

Support for businesses and workers
The Government has announced measures to increase the support available
to businesses and workers during coronavirus.

This includes unlimited loans and guarantees to help manage
staff wages and cashflow.

For more information, visit

Businesses can also get online and telephone support from the
Growth Company’s GM business growth hub

Funeral services
Sadly, in order to comply with the government’s social distancing guidelines,
funeral services are affected in the following ways:

Mourners at services in Hollinwood Crematorium Chapel will be
restricted to a maximum of 10

Services prior to interment and extended services will also be
suspended during this period

Access into the crematorium is extremely limited and both the burial and the scattering of cremated remains is suspended

Mourners are also being encouraged to wait in their cars or outside the
chapel ahead of services, rather than congregating in the waiting room

Mourners must abide by the national social distancing guidelines (two metres)
at all services, both inside and outside the Chapel

To ensure your safety in-between services at the Chapel, additional cleaning processes are in place to ensure all public areas are disinfected. Service books
have also been removed from the chapel to prevent any cross contamination and hand shaking is also being discouraged with ministers, celebrants and funeral directors until further notice. Hand sanitiser is available to all mourners,
at the entrance to the chapel.

Keep safe.

Use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:

  • you feel you cannot cope with your symptoms at home
  • your condition gets worse
  • your symptoms do not get better after 7 days
We all need to pull together and think of each other.

Volunteers are needed now more than ever to help projects like foodbanks
who are desperately needing staff.

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Oldham Council · Civic Centre · West Street · Oldham, OL1 1UT · United Kingdom