
As we speak, Republicans in the Senate are pushing for handouts to their big corporate donors in the coronavirus economic stimulus bill.

But a different bill proposed by Democrats in the House would ban lobbying, stock buybacks, or executive bonuses by any corporations receiving aid.

So we’re rushing emergency calls to the Senate NOW! Tell senators: Bail out workers NOT corporations. Any stimulus bill should ban lobbying, stock buybacks, or executive bonuses by corporations receiving aid!

It’s outrageous that senators would use this national crisis to pay off their big donors - but that’s exactly what McConnell is trying to get away with. In a package designed by Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and pushed by Trump, he wanted a massive $500 billion slush fund for big corporations, with no oversight. 

After massive public outcry, real oversight was added to the bill.

But that’s not enough! Corporations should not be allowed to use taxpayer funds to pad executives’ bank accounts and cut workers’ pay.

And they definitely shouldn’t be able to use those funds to pay lobbyists to bend the rules in their favor.

John, this bill in the Senate is the biggest stimulus package since the bailout following the 2008 crash. It can do a world of good, or all of the money being spent can be sucked into the bank accounts of executives and rich shareholders. There’s too much at stake here - we simply cannot allow corporations to get bailed out with taxpayer dollars at workers’ expense.

Call now to demand any stimulus bill should ban lobbying, stock buybacks, or executive bonuses by corporations receiving aid!

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