From Defend the Senate <[email protected]>
Subject "Will Ted Cruz lose his Senate seat?"
Date February 6, 2024 10:13 PM
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John — a new headline from Texas is catching our attention:

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The answer? Yes — if we start fighting back today.

Rush in $10 to help us expand our Democratic Senate majoirty. [[link removed]]

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Here's why:

> Ted Cruz won by an incredibly close margin in 2018.

> He’s one of the most vulnerable Republicans according to CNN and Cook.

> Now, a new poll from Emerson College shows Colin Allred in a statistical tie with Cruz.

Texas is holding its primary on Super Tuesday — less than a month from now. This is our first chance to show our Democratic momentum and that we have what it takes to make gains in battleground races like Texas.

We’re working to invest in flippable races and to Expand the Senate, but we can’t do it without you. With Super Tuesday right around the corner, contribute $10 today to help grow our Democratic majority in the U.S. Senate. [[link removed]]

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Thank you for all you're doing.

— Defend the Senate

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