Hi John, it’s Tom Suozzi. Serve America asked me to reach out with an important message. I’m writing to ask for your support so we can win the NY-03 special election in just 7 days.

I really need everyone reading this to chip in $10 right away. Let me explain why.

With 1 week left until this critical special election, polling is in the margin of error and far right outside groups are spending nearly $5 million against me in these final days. Early voting is already under way and we’re running out of time to make our final push to voters.

John, we can’t afford to fall short here. The whole nation will be watching NY-03. Climate change, immigration reform, gun safety, reproductive rights–all of it is at stake on February 13. As the nation looks to Long Island to see which way we will go, we’ve got to make it clear–we need a government that can solve our problems and get things done!

So John, I’m humbly asking–with so much on the line and the whole nation watching, will you rush a split donation with Serve America right away to help me win this special election and elect Democrats around the country?

Thank you so much for your support. It means the world.


Tom Suozzi

