Dear John,

Most of the country is being encouraged to stay at home, but many of my fellow teachers are still on the frontline of this public health emergency. 

We deserve protection, as do all school staff, and other key workers.

Will you sign my petition to make sure teachers are tested for Covid-19?

Sign the Petition

It was completely the right thing to do to close schools to the public, and it’s also right that schools remain accessible for the children of key workers so essential services around the country can remain in place.

But this comes at a cost. The devastating death of Wendy Jacobs, the much loved head of Roose Primary School in Cumbria who was the first teacher to test positive for Covid-19, is a timely reminder of the sacrifices made by teachers across the UK at the time of crisis.

I never thought I would be calling for more testing in schools. As Green Party education spokesperson, I have campaigned against a culture of testing and perpetual assessment for years. 

But the extraordinary circumstances of this public health emergency has created an exception to the rule: we must #TestOurTeachers for Covid-19. Not just for our own safety, but to help stop the spread of this deadly virus.

Please show your appreciation for teachers, and share my petition to protect them.

Thank you
Vix Lowthion, Green Party education spokesperson. 

PS. If there’s a teacher in your life who is special to you, please share your personal stories about them on social media with the hashtag #TestOurTeachers when you share the petition. 


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Promoted by Judy Maciejowska on behalf of the Green Party, both at The Biscuit Factory, Unit 215 J Block, 100 Clements Road, London, SE16 4DG, United Kingdom
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