
It never fails to amaze me what this team is capable of when we come together behind a common cause.

You all have done it again -- since I reached out, our team has really stepped up to raise resources for local charities like Toni’s Kitchen, Interfaith Food Pantry, Family Promise and Eva’s Village.

That's incredible -- our efforts will help support in-need New Jerseyans.

There’s still time to contribute -- if you can, please chip in:

Interfaith Food Pantry in Morris Plains

Toni’s Kitchen in Montclair

Family Promise of Sussex County

Eva’s Village in Passaic County

Thank you for your support,


---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Mikie Sherrill 
Date: Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 12:59 PM
Subject: These local charities need our help>


As you know, our day-to-day lives have been transformed by the coronavirus outbreak over the course of the past few weeks. We’ve had to change our behaviors and routines in order to take care of ourselves and others.

Children are home from school. We’re being more diligent about washing our hands and disinfecting surfaces.

And while many of us are now teleworking, that’s not an option for all.

For many Americans, our current situation isn’t only a health care crisis. It’s also an economic crisis.

Hourly workers have lost wages after having to make the hard decision to stay home when sick. Others have suffered layoffs as businesses struggle to acclimate to our new circumstances.

American workers are rightfully concerned about how to make ends meet during these uncertain times -- to buy necessities like soap and toilet paper, to put food on the table, and to stay healthy.

I’ve said it before, and I’m sure I’ll say it again: We’re in this together, and we all need to pitch in whatever way we can.

In the House, my colleagues and I came together across party divides to advance a bipartisan plan that will support American families during this difficult time by providing paid sick leave, food aid, and free COVID-19 testing.

While we’ve pushed this legislation through Congress, we need to take additional steps to give immediate support to in-need members of our communities.

That’s why today, I’m reaching out to ask if you will join me in supporting one of the local charities below by making a contribution. Every dollar helps give New Jerseyans the resources they need during this challenging time.

Interfaith Food Pantry in Morris Plains

Toni’s Kitchen in Montclair

Family Promise of Sussex County

Eva’s Village in Passaic County

Thank you and take care,


Paid for by Mikie Sherrill for Congress

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Mikie Sherrill, PO Box 43032 Montclair, NJ 07043