News from Rep. Chip Roy


Dear Mr. xxxxxx,

I wanted to pass along my latest update on what I have been doing to fight for you, Texas’ 21st Congressional District, and our country as a whole:

The Senate wants to codify Biden’s border crisis
Last year, House Republicans united to pass the strongest border security bill of all time – the Secure the Border Act of 2023 (H.R. 2). Instead of taking up the meaningful policies Congress already passed, the Senate has worked behind closed doors with Secretary Mayorkas to craft an open-borders bargain. The Senate’s bill will do nothing to end this crisis – it will only create bigger loopholes and codify the chaos. The border "crisis" is a crisis not of resources or lack of authority, but rather the result of abuse of the law by President Biden. 

We in the House have already passed meaningful policies that would force Biden and Mayorkas to do their jobs. When the Senate wants to get serious, they can come to the table and negotiate with the People’s House to force real change.


It’s time to FACE the facts …
Free Americans should never live in fear of their government targeting them because of their beliefs. Yet, Biden's Department of Justice has brazenly weaponized the FACE Act against normal, everyday Americans across the political spectrum, simply because they are pro-life. 

Most recently, this law was weaponized against a family of pro-lifers who are facing 11 years in prison for praying and singing hymns outside of an abortion center. This must stop – Congress should pass my FACE Act Repeal bill immediately. 


Here are some other news stories about what I’ve been up to lately:
The receipts don't lie. Secretary Mayorkas LIED to Rep. Roy during a congressional hearing
Chip Roy invokes Dred Scott to slam Supreme Court border ruling
That should be the rule — ZERO people released into the US
We're teaching our kids to hate America
Did Republicans ignore spending option that would save Americans $100 BILLION?
Democrat witness ADMITS Texas has turnaway authority at the border
Do states have the right to defend themselves?
The President has the ability right now the power to stop it
House GOP must STOP funding a government at WAR with Americans
I will back Governor Abbott as far as he wants to go
We have all the power we need NOW to secure the border          

If you have any concerns that my office can help out with, please don’t hesitate to call or email through the “email me” portal on my website. If you feel so inclined, you can also just send an old-fashioned letter to my Washington or district offices.

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Chip Roy

Member of Congress

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