This American Heart Month, support research to reduce diabetes-related complications. |
Your Donation Will
Impact Millions
People living with diabetes are at elevated risk for heart disease and stroke. But with your help, we can reduce diabetes-related complications.
We’re in the fight to end diabetes and reduce diabetes-related complications.
Every year, 1.68 million American adults with diabetes are hospitalized for major cardiovascular diseases. Whether you or someone you love is living with diabetes, make your heart health a priority this American Heart Month by first understanding the connection between diabetes and cardiovascular disease and by joining the American Diabetes Association® (ADA) in the fight to create a life free of diabetes and all its burdens.
Donors like you help the ADA continue to fund critical, lifesaving research that impacts millions and reduces complications that can lead to cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, stroke, eye disease, and other chronic conditions.
Your donation today will help:
Support research to find better treatments and reduce severe complications from diabetes
Connect people living with diabetes and their caregivers to resources
Provide education about preventing or delaying the onset of diabetes
Fund critical, lifesaving research in our quest to find a cure
Together, we can make a difference in the millions of lives fighting diabetes and associated complications. Act now and donate today!