Help us register voters before the deadline.

Bowman for Congress

Hey John,

Are you fired up to re-elect one of the boldest progressive champions in Congress? We are – and we need YOU to join us!

Help us make calls and register voters before the 2/14 party affiliation deadline!


New York voters MUST register as a Democrat or Republican to vote in primaries. And in a heavily Democratic district like ours, the primary decides who goes to Congress.

We’re calling unaffiliated and independent voters in our district to encourage them to change their party affiliation to Democrat so that they can make their voices heard in this critical election.

As a volunteer, you'll explain to voters why it's crucial to switch their registration so they can support Rep. Bowman in the primary and guide them through the process.

Together, we can amplify Rep. Bowman's visionary message and engage new supporters to join the movement.

This is urgent – we need all hands on deck! Click here to sign up for a shift – we have less than two weeks until the deadline!


Not able to join us before the 2/14 party affiliation deadline? We’d still love to have you join the volunteer team. Fill out our general volunteer form and we’ll be in touch with more opportunities!


Team Bowman