Bankrolls Refugee Groups with Record $5 Billion, Then Plays Helpless
at the Border
America’s most radical president funnels
staggering sums to resettlement groups as the southern border
If Americans needed proof that Joe Biden is the most pro-open
borders president in history, look no further than the
eye-popping $5.1
billion he’s shuffled to refugee resettlement
groups since 2021.
That’s nearly 14
times more than his predecessor, President
Donald Trump, spent across 4 full years—and more
than twice as much as Barack Obama spent in 8

Carolina Parents Score Victory Against Woke School
The Left wants to turn schools into
migrant centers to house Joe Biden’s illegal immigrants. North
Carolina parents are pushing back—and winning
When parents caught wind of a scheme to shut down a special
education high school in a coastal North Carolina community and
convert it into a school for illegal immigrants, they sprang into
action. After vocal opposition from the conservative parents and
community at large, the school board shut down the plan for good. This
demonstrated the importance of electing good, solid conservatives in
school board elections, and sent a warning to other communities to be
on the lookout for similar plans.

New on First Right: Letter to the
American Church with Eric Metaxas
First Right welcomes author and conservative commentator Eric
Metaxas to discuss his latest book and film, Letter to the American
Church. We’re in a spiritual battle, and we must not be afraid to
speak the truth and fight back on CRT, cultural Marxism, transgender
lunacy, open borders, government corruption, and other evils falling
upon the country.
Wicked policies are overtaking our population, so silence is not an
option. Watch now and learn how to fight back
and turn our country back to freedom, liberty, and ultimately, God

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