Trump received millions of dollars from foreign governments while in office. Sign the Petition to demand a FULL investigation >>
John, Former President Trump has reportedly pocketed at least $7.8 million from 20 foreign governments during his time in office. [1]
And the worst part? This is probably just the tip of the iceberg – because this $7.8 million is from only four of the more than 500 businesses Trump owns.
Rep. Jamie Raskin documented these payments in a shocking 156-page report last month – but Trump’s cronies in the House Oversight Committee refused to pursue an investigation, leaving crucial questions unanswered and the job unfinished. [2]
That’s why we’re turning our attention to the Senate. Senator Gary Peters chairs the committee with the power to complete this investigation and force Trump to turn over ALL illegal payments to the U.S. treasury.
Add your name to urge Senator Peters to take immediate action and fully investigate Trump's ill-gotten gains.
Our Constitution's Emoluments Clause is clear: federal officeholders can’t accept ANY gifts or payments from foreign governments without Congressional approval. This crucial protection is meant to ensure American presidents work only for the American people – NOT foreign entities.
Trump flagrantly violated the Emoluments Clause – part of a pattern of constitutional violations from a former president who clearly thinks his wealth and status put him above the law.
John, I need your help to call for a FULL investigation and send a clear message: No one, not even a former president, is above accountability.
Join me in urging the Senate to investigate Trump and require him to forfeit any unconstitutional payments to the U.S. Treasury.
Thanks for all you do,
Aaron Scherb, Senior Director of Legislative Affairs
and the team at Common Cause
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[1] DEMS - Mazars Report.pdf