Hey Friend,
We want
to hear from you! If you previously participated in any ChoiceUSA/URGE
programming, please take 5 minutes to fill out this survey.
Your input as a previous chapter
or Community Action Network (CAN) member, canvasser, event attendee,
student journalist, trainee, former Board member, or former staff
member is tremendously important to the work we do in 2020 and
Not only
will you help URGE's vital work, but everyone* who completes the
survey will enter a drawing to win an URGE swag pack or a $500 VISA
gift card!
In solidarity,
Abiha Zakariya
Individual Giving & Alumni Relations Manager
*Current campus chapter members and Community
Action Network (CANs) members are not eligible for the $500 gift card
prize. However, they will still be entered to win URGE swag

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