“This is a tool to empower parents in their dealings with their own school system so they can better raise their kids, which is their job and not the schools’,” Attorney General Todd Rokita says.
Rosemary Jenks of the Immigration Accountability Project and Heritage Oversight Project Director Mike Howell explain what is, and isn’t, inside the Senate’s border bill.
President Biden tells a lot of tall tales about the border crisis, but his claim to need a reckless Senate bill to give him the authority to “shut down the border” is one of his tallest tales yet.
A House panel advances a bill requiring mail-in ballots to include a barcode when being processed by the Postal Service, as an extra level of election security.
“This bill is even worse than we expected,” House Speaker Mike Johnson says, and the Senate legislation “won’t come close to ending the border catastrophe the president has created.”
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