Sometimes it's just tough to fathom
why even one person would vote for Donald Trump, let alone nearly half
the country. In 2016, sure. People didn’t know what they were getting
into. He was an outsider and he never really put out an agenda. He was
the opposite of what Washington is and some people wanted to shake up
the establishment. But 8 years later? We had the guy for 4 years, and
we remember what it was like.
It was a term of uncertainty. When
hate occupied the White House. When the country was so divided that
the president of the United States praised people flying Nazi flags as
“very good people.” When corruption was so unbelievably clear that
many of us considered our commander in chief to be a national security
threat. This was four years under Trump. All capped off with an
insurrection on Capitol Hill.

We lived through this and simply
can’t go back to it. It puts our democracy at serious risk. Luckily,
we think that we have a pretty good shot in November. America is
thriving. We have a unifier in the White House. And the orange messiah
has done nothing since leaving office besides get indicted and
complain about a “stolen election” that supposedly happened over 3
years ago. Not sure how that’s helping him in the polls.
We don’t agree with Trump on much
of anything, but we agree on this: 2024 is the final battle. If we
beat Trump “bigly” in November, he’s not coming back. No more rallies,
no more threats of being a dictator, no more White House- ordered
insurrections. Sounds nice, doesn’t it? Help
us get there on November 5th. The sooner he’s gone, the sooner we can
look forward.
-The Lincoln Project