In an unexpected turn of events, Benny Gantz has recently expressed a willingness to sit in the government together with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. However, this seems to be changing day by day.
When will the Israeli people finally be able to move past what some have called, “the eternal Israeli election period?” Is there a chance that a ruling coalition will finally be formed, and who will sit as Prime Minister first, Bibi Netanyahu or Benny Gantz?
What does this say about Prime Minister Netanyahu’s corruption trial? Will this proceed, as planned, or will it be pushed off and for how long? Will Benny Gantz and his faction have to succumb to sitting together with some of the religious parties, or to acquiesce to some of their demands?
What role will the Arab, Joint List play in this government? Does the participation in the Joint List by the Arab members of Knesset constitute a compromise on Israel’s national security? And if so, why were the so-called “security hawks” in the Blue and White Party willing to overlook that threat?