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Dear Friend,

Now more than ever, legal aid and public interest lawyers must be able to navigate their way expertly through federal litigation. That’s why I am deeply excited to announce the long-awaited return of the Federal Practice Manual for Legal Aid Attorneys, now produced by the National Center for Law and Economic Justice.

The Manual has a decades-long track record as a critical reference source on federal litigation practice oriented to the needs of legal aid and public interest lawyers. First shepherded by the Legal Services Corporation and then the Shriver Center on Poverty Law, the baton now passes to NCLEJ.

The Manual is now available for a free trial at the online bookstore of the National Consumer Law Center. Over the coming months, our staff and contributors will continue to update the Manual, and upon completion we will begin offering paid subscriptions for this invaluable legal resource.

The Manual offers a critical framework to guide public interest lawyers in their federal litigation, and covers a wide range of topics including:

  • Strategic factors to consider in preparing a lawsuit
  • Litigation tactics and practice tips for both novice and seasoned practitioners
  • Constitutional and statutory requirements of federal jurisdiction
  • Barriers encountered in seeking federal jurisdiction
  • And much more!
Click here to access your free trial version of the Federal Practice Manual.

Thank you,

Dennis Parker
Executive Director, National Center for Law and Economic Justice
The National Center for Law and Economic Justice advances racial and economic justice through ground-breaking impact litigation, policy advocacy, and support for grassroots organizing. We have provided legal representation and support since 1965.
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