If I defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer this November, I will be the poorest member of the United States Senate.


If I defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer this November, I will be the poorest member of the United States Senate.

And let me tell you: I would wear that like a badge of honor.

I know what it’s like to work a 90-hour workweek. I know what it’s like to go on strike to fight for health care just so your kids can go to the doctor. I know what it’s like to have to drop out of college and kill one of your dreams because somebody’s got to put food on the table.

How many of our current so-called “representatives” can say the same? Certainly not my opponent, Republican Deb Fischer.

These politicians in Washington are so out-of-touch, so corrupt, so bought-and-paid-for… They have no idea what it’s like for families struggling to get by. That’s why I’m running for the U.S. Senate.

The latest poll shows I can win. Just 24% of Nebraskan voters approve of Republican Senator Deb Fischer, and I am LEADING her by 2 points.

I am ready to be the 51st vote in the Senate fighting for working people, but I don’t have corporate PACs writing me hundreds of thousands of dollars in campaign checks like Deb Fischer does. If I’m going to win and flip this seat, I am counting on grassroots donors like you to give right now:

Please, will you chip in $5 or more right now to my campaign – whatever amount you can afford will go a long way – to help me defeat Republican Senator Deb Fischer and flip this seat?

We’re facing our next fundraising deadline, so no amount is too small to make a difference.

We can stand up to the billionaires and the corporations and win this race – but we can only do it together.

Thank you,

Dan Osborn