Episode 188 uploaded February 4: Sam Goldman speaks with Dr. Manisha Sinha,
historian of the US Civil War and Reconstruction and one of 25
historians who signed onto the amicus brief supporting Colorado’s
decision to remove Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot
according to the 14th amendment (which bars insurrectionists from public
We share a bit of a report from Coco Das, who has gone to Eagle Pass,
Texas (epicenter of the conflict at the border between Abbott-controlled
National Guard troops and federally controlled Border Patrol) as part
of an effort to investigate the situation.

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Dr. Manisha Sinha:
Many historians of the Civil War and Reconstruction, who watched the January 6 insurrection immediately thought about the 14th Amendment, immediately thought about laws passed immediately after the Civil War, the enforcement acts the Ku Klux Klan Act, to prevent and to contain political violence and domestic terrorism in the country. We think these laws and amendments are not just empty words or fancy dressing they should be implemented.
Coco Das:
it actually didn't take long to uncover this turmoil beneath this calm exterior. The town of Eagle Pass has been a bi-national bi-cultural, integrated, international border. The most of the people we met have family on both sides. They may even live on both sides. [A business owner and environmentalist] said since National Guard put eight miles of razor wire up along the border, took over Shelby Park and has really brought down brutal, brutal repression, which has caused the deaths of migrants, including a mother and two children a little over a week ago, everything's been ruined by this.
Sam Goldman:
Trump is embraced and backed not just by a rabid and heavily armed fascist base, but by a legal movement that has tried and tested strategies for suppressing the vote, subverting the vote, and the law. While no gag order, legal conclusion or criminal conviction can stop someone hell-bent on climbing the ladder to fascist rule, there is something they have yet to face: a mass movement of the people resolved unwavering in their refusal to accept a fascist America, taking over the public discourse and public squares to make that demand real together. That's what we're working for.
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