From <[email protected]>
Subject re: Super Tuesday
Date February 5, 2024 3:18 PM
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With Super Tuesday exactly 1 month away, we’re asking you to pitch in just $1 to Defend the Senate.

DONATE $1 [[link removed]]

We know what you might be thinking: “There’s no way a single dollar makes a difference.”

We hear that all the time when someone replies to our emails — but we’re serious.

$1 might not seem like a lot, but it’ll go a long way to power our work to protect our fragile Senate majority.

If everyone reading this email pitched in just $1 today, we would hit our fundraising goal ahead of next Thursday’s mid-quarter fundraising deadline — supercharging your gift.

Suddenly, your $1 gift turns into $1,000 to help uplift vulnerable Democrats like Jon Tester and Jacky Rosen.

Your $1 gift turns into $5,000 to book television ads in key swing races.

Your $1 gift turns into $10,000 to unseat extremist Republicans like Ted Cruz and Rick Scott.

As you can see, your $1 gift could go even further to protect our Democratic Senate majority. Let’s start that chain reaction today:

Super Tuesday is one of the most important dates in the primary. With Super Tuesday just 1 month away, will you add in a donation of $1 or more to Defend the Senate? [[link removed]]

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Donate $1 Now [[link removed]]
Donate $25 Now [[link removed]]

Donate $50 Now [[link removed]]
Donate $100 Now [[link removed]]

Donate $250 Now [[link removed]]
Another Amount [[link removed]]

Thank you,

— Defend the Senate

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Paid For By Smp,, And Not Authorized By Any Candidate Or Candidate's Committee.
Contributions Or Gifts To Smp Are Not Tax Deductible.
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