Your signature is urgently needed—defend Justice Thomas now!
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Dear John,

As Chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party, I am reaching out to you in a time of critical need. Our values, our beliefs, and the integrity of our judicial system are under threat. Over 1 million radical Democrats have set their sights on impeaching an upstanding figure in our judiciary, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas. I need your immediate action to stop this partisan attack.


Justice Clarence Thomas has served our country honorably on the Supreme Court for decades. His commitment to the Constitution and judicial conservatism has been unwavering—a beacon of principle that guides his decisions. But right now, he faces an unprecedented threat:

A large contingent of activists and their elected allies are gunning for his seat, pushing for impeachment under pretenses that disregard the sanctity of our legal processes and the impartial adjudication of justice. This is not just an attack on Justice Thomas; it's an assault on the philosophical underpinnings of our highest court, and we must respond decisively.

This political battle is about more than one man's seat on the bench. It's about the future direction of our nation and our ability to uphold conservative values across all branches of government. As we look ahead to the vital elections of 2024, the preservation of constitutional integrity is key to our strategy—not just for North Carolina, but for the entire United States.

What can you do? Simple. Lend your voice to ours.

Add your signature to our petition today—each signature is a testimony to our shared dedication to justice and a message that we will not stand idly by while politicized tactics are used to undermine our institutions.



John xxxxxx [email protected]



Signatures are pouring in from across the nation, but we need yours to truly weight the scales. By joining forces, we demonstrate not only our support for Justice Thomas but also our collective resilience against such political maneuvers. With your action, we can and will push back against these attempts to impeach a conservative Justice for merely adhering to his constitutional duty.

I am grateful for your engagement and your unwavering support for the Republican Party's mission to protect our House GOP Majority, win the US Senate, and ultimately, elect a Republican President. Together, we are forming an impervious front in the political arena.

Thank you for standing with us, for acting with immediacy, and for committing to the preservation of our judiciary's independence.


North Carolina Republican Party

Michael Whatley
Chairman, North Carolina Republican Party
General Counsel, Republican National Committee

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Paid for by North Carolina Republican Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. 1506 Hillsborough St, Raleigh, NC 27605, United States