![]() Patriot, House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) won the speakership because his predecessor was cutting deals and making compromises instead of advancing the agenda he campaigned on. Now, Johnson is going down the same road to ruin, this time compromising on your fundamental right to be free from government surveillance in the absence of a warrant. You see, Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Security Act (FISA) allows the Spy State to sweep up your personal communications – your text messages, your emails, your Internet browsing history, your phone calls – and use them against you. And now we know this has been widely abused by the FBI, the NSA, and other three-letter agencies in the Spy State. The NSA’s Office of the Inspector General reported several instances of NSA agents who searched NSA databases for information regarding their spouses and love interests. I have to be blunt: If you and I walk away and stop fighting the surveillance state on this issue, this could be the final nail in the Fourth Amendment’s coffin. Click here right now to demand Speaker Johnson keep his word and restore your Fourth Amendment rights! Patriot, with expanded domestic drone use, Internet tracking schemes, and ongoing phone metadata collection, our federal government is gaining the technology to make any semblance of citizen privacy a relic of yesteryear. The “Stasi”–the East German Communist secret police of decades past - could only wish to be so efficient in their record-keeping on so-called problem citizens.” Back then, our federal government decried those tactics as “Orwellian.” Now, our government is adopting them, and the statists simply tell you and me to “trust” them! We can’t trust them. Not at all. In fact, the entire reason our Founders included the Bill of Rights in the Constitution is they knew once politicians had power, they would abuse it. Not so long ago, you and I forced some of the worst provisions of the so-called “PATRIOT Act” to temporarily expire. But the data collection continued. So do the “secret warrants” issued by the FISA courts. And a few years ago, news broke that local governments were being encouraged to use license plate scanners to keep track of citizens who attend gun shows! If we want to keep our freedom, we have to FIGHT BACK. Speaker Johnson claimed to want to end the unconstitutional practices in Section 702 before he became speaker. But now, he’s backsliding on that position. In fact, he’s told the chairs of two committees with completely opposite bills – one to restore your constitutional rights, one to erode them further – to “stop butting heads” and “quickly meld their competing bills.” Patriot, you can’t “compromise” between two things that are complete and total opposites! >>> The Protect
Liberty and End Warrantless Surveillance Act (H.R. 6570), which would require the government to get a warrant before they spy on you and
ban the Deep State from skirting the law and purchasing your private data, which was passed by the House Judiciary Committee; versus >>> The
inappropriately named FISA Reform and Reauthorization Act (H.R. 6611), which would actually expand the government’s
unconstitutional spy powers, which was passed by the House Intelligence Committee. Mike Johnson needs to do the right thing: put the Protect Liberty Act on the floor, intact, and send the Surveillance State Reauthorization Act to the place where bills go to die! Speaker Johnson is still new to the job, and by all accounts having a rough go. All the more reason he should listen to the people’s voice: Send your Directive to him right now! ![]() Once you’ve sent your directive to House Speaker Mike Johnson, I hope you’ll also give us the ability to put more muscle behind it by supporting Campaign for Liberty with your most generous contribution. Campaign for Liberty uses your support not only to rally more patriots, but to mobilize and pressure key members of Congress, not just in Washington but in their home districts. This targeted strategy enables us to have far greater impact than your typical Washington “think tank”: we don’t just deliver petitions; we bring pressure and political pain. It’s a tactic that has worked to tremendous effect over the years. And right now, House Speaker Mike Johnson is VERY pain sensitive. While the Deep State has influence, our strength is in our numbers. But we can’t do it without your support. Can you give a gift of $25, $50, or even $100 today? I can promise you that unlike some other groups I don’t care to name, Campaign for Liberty uses every dollar you contribute wisely. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, ![]() John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. Even if you’ve already called, sending your Directive to Speaker Mike Johnson is a critical follow-up. Multiple staffers may hear the same message, and the more the better. They already fumbled this issue in December and punted it into spring – but we will NOT wait silently. Contact Speaker Johnson right now! And then, if at all possible, make your most generous contribution to help Campaign for Liberty hold Speaker Johnson accountable. With your help, we can prove his path of least resistance is to pass the Judiciary Committee’s bill to rein in the out-of-control Surveillance State. Even if you can only chip in $50, $25, or $10, every bit will help us reach more patriots and mobilize more pressure on the House Speaker to restore our liberty. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club
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autographed by Ron Paul. If you would like to make a donation by mail, please send your check to Campaign for Liberty, PO Box 104, Lake Jackson TX 77566 or you can call 703-865-7162. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American
principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education,
issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |