Given the certification of all six initiatives, we want to highlight our recent interview with Let’s Go Washington founder, Brian Heywood.
Shift Washington


The 2024 legislative session is continues with and – unsurprisingly – Democrats continue to ignore their constitutional duty to take up the certified Let’s Go Washington initiatives. And, as we continue delivering the latest news coming out of Olympia, we hope to keep you up-to-date with an item or two of interest last week from your own backyard. Read on…

This week’s Newsmaker Interview…
Republican State Representative April Connors (8th LD) joins us to discuss top priorities for the 2024 legislative session, including addressing overregulation for housing, ensuring energy access, and safeguarding the Snake River dams. Expressing disappointment in Democrats’ refusal to hear Let’s Go Washington Initiatives, Connors emphasizes the importance of citizen-driven change. She also discusses how overregulation has led to the housing crisis and highlights the solutions her bill (House Bill 2464) presents. Optimistic about its passage, Connors also discusses her bill (House Bill 2040), proposing a $200 gas rebate to offset the Climate Commitment Act’s impact. Read more.

This week’s top story…
Democrats love to claim that they are commited to defending democracy, yet they continue to ignore the state constitution by refusing public hearings on all six of the certified Let’s Go Washington initiatives. Last week, supporters of the initiatives held a rally outside the Capitol Building to urge action and expose Democrats for their hypocrisy. House Minority Leader Rep. Drew Stokesbary called out Democrats for obstructing the initiatives despite significant voter support. Read this story and more.

In case you missed it…
Washington State Democrats are considering a new strategy to garner voter support by proposing the "Evergreen Basic Income Pilot Program," which involves sending recurring cash payments to 7,500 low-income residents for two years. Democrat Senator Claudia Kaufman says it’s part of economic security. Apparently, that it is not a reality for many in the state after 40 years of Democratic governors. This is just another questionable Democrat idea that all too closely resembles a potential vote-buying tactic. Read this story and more.

Your bit of inspiration for the week…
Relax and enjoy the beauty of the Neskowin Beach, as photographed by former U.S. Rep. Rod Chandler.