BREAKING NEWS via Quinnipiac Poll: President Biden’s approval SURGES ahead of 2024 Election!

But, we STILL need you to submit your response to our URGENT Presidential Tracking Poll!
President Biden: "We need to rise to this moment... We can't turn away."
Please Respond: Do you approve of President Biden?
YES! →   NO →

**This poll is intended to be exclusively for [email protected]. Please respond before 11:59 P.M. tonight.**

This is a make-or-break moment, John.

Donald Trump is charging towards the Republican nomination and MAGA Republicans are rallying around him in droves.

That’s why we are conducting our own Presidential Tracking poll to see where Democrats like you stand ahead of the pivotal 2024 election.

But with our poll set to close at midnight tonight, here is your current respondent status:

NAME: [email protected]
STATE: Pennsylvania

Please Respond: Do you approve of President Biden?
YES! →   NO →

**This poll is intended to be exclusively for [email protected]. Please respond before 11:59 P.M. tonight.**

Thank you,

DCCC Research Team

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We’re working hard to elect House Democrats -- and put an end to Republicans' obstruction for good. President Biden can't do it all. We need all hands on deck if we’re going to fight back against Republicans and flip the House. Our success relies on grassroots supporters like you. 99% of our contributions come from grassroots donations, with an average gift of $18. If you'd like to unsubscribe from DCCC emails, click here. If you'd like to make an online donation, click here. Thanks for your support of Democrats!

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