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Friend --
As we head further into the new year, there's a lot to cover. I
know public safety is front of mind for all of us, so I've included a
long update below. Please excuse the length if you're interested in
the other topics (we always add the quick links at the top so you can
jump to what interests you most), but we're going deep in this
newsletter because 1) public safety remains the urgent issue in our
city, 2) so many of you have told me you appreciate the context and
understanding I share around the complex problems we face and how we
solve them.
At the Wilson Building, the Council will vote on a big public
safety bill next Tuesday, and we'll also take the final vote on
legislation I wrote to give teeth to our laws for holding dangerous
drivers accountable. Also on the agenda is important legislation to
provide new support for our local businesses, which includes parts of
a small business bill I worked on with many of our Ward 6
Thanks to Westminster Church in Southwest for
hosting a wonderful Black History Month program yesterday, featuring
Mr. DC Black History Month himself Chuck Hicks, a fantastic keynote
address from Dr. Porter, and the recently retired Sam Ford as
emcee. And it's that time again - tax season - so check below for tax
benefits for residents and businesses (especially the DC EITC).
Finally, we had a great community office hours Friday night on
Barracks Row.
Quick Links: Public Safety | Safety Walk Near Potomac Ave Metro | Healthy Homes Act | WMATA
Funding | H Street Alliance | Cobb Park | Bus Lane
Cameras | Final Vote on Dangerous Driving
Bill | Summer Youth Employment | Oversight Hearings | Tax
Resources for Residents | Tax Rebate for
Small Biz | Trash Collection Issues | 11th Street Bridge Park Meeting | School Lottery Deadline | DPR
Camp Registration | Leaf Collection | Caps Tickets
Public Safety Update
This will be a longer update on public safety, but one I hope is
helpful at the top of this new year as we all demand solutions to
reverse the dramatic increase in violent crime DC experienced last
year and we focus urgency around driving down crime in our city. While
MPD is reporting an 18% decrease in violent crime in Ward 6
year-to-date, that's nowhere near good enough, and if you or someone
you know has been victimized, it also means little. Bottom line: we need to see a serious
decline in 2024.
I want to begin by sharing an update on the horrific violent
events on Monday night near the Convention Center and in NoMa. One
individual committed multiple shootings early last week (two fatal and
one at a police officer parked in his squad car who was thankfully
unharmed) and multiple carjackings that stretched between DC and
Maryland before it ended in a fatal shootout with Maryland police the
next morning. It's hard to understand, let alone explain. It's simply
horrific. Families are grieving a loss they'll never be able to
overcome, and I've talked with several neighbors rocked by the
violence that took place. I also knew one of the victims, the
wonderful man shot downtown who passed away last night - Mike Gill -
through his service on the DC Board of Elections for many years when I
had oversight of the agency. He was an exceptional public servant who
helped get the District through major changes in elections operations
during the pandemic, and my thoughts are with his family, and the
Board of Elections family, as well. On Thursday evening, the shooter's
name was released publicly, and reporters were quickly able to look up
that he had been arrested in 2021 for making felony threats to kill
officers responding to a shooting. He verbally threatened to kill the
officers, but after the arrest, the federal USAO reduced the charge to
a misdemeanor, ultimately didn't proceed with the case, and he was
released. Although I don't know the specifics of the evidence in that
case, it's a good example of a central challenge that helps make DC
unique in a way we don't want to be: too many people aren't
experiencing consequences for their actions, nor are there efforts
after cases aren't charged to prevent the next violent act
before it happens. That's the theme of this section.

On Tuesday night, the Hill Rag hosted an important
discussion on juvenile carjacking, building off two in-depth pieces
they published late last year - read Part
1 here and Part
2 here. They invited me to moderate the conversation featuring MPD
leadership, our federal US Attorney, our local Attorney General, the
Office of Gun Violence Prevention, a community group working with
at-risk youth, and a foster father who had seen first-hand the
District's failings in holding his own foster child accountable and
providing services when the child was arrested for a carjacking. If
you weren't able to tune in, you
can watch here.
I had a few takeaways from the panel that I think reflect
conversations I often have with Ward 6 residents. One of the big
questions was why 2023 was a major departure from national trends
(most cities saw a notable decline in violent crime), as well as a
departure from our own experience with decreased crime in 2022
here in the District, where nearly every crime category had fallen
or was close to falling, compared to 2021. Of course, the crime levels
in 2021 and 2022 weren't acceptable, but they did fall more in line
with national trends.
This kind of analysis is important because it helps us find
solutions. Public safety, especially with DC's unique system, is
complex. And pretending simple fixes exist isn't a serious way to
attack the problem. So what happened in 2023?
I'll start quickly with a few areas in which I see a lot of
confusion or misinformation:
- The District actually hasn't lowered any criminal penalties on the
books in years, including for carjacking, which remains one of the
longest penalties anywhere in the United States, with up to 40 years
of incarceration for armed carjacking. In fact, I've passed
legislation that increased criminal penalties for gun crimes, banned
ghost guns and bump stocks, and made penalties more severe for
extended gun clips and dangerous automatic weapons. On the whole,
people convicted of a crime in DC serve longer sentences than in most
other states, especially when we talk about our most serious offenses.
So if these increases are happening while our sentences stay the same,
something else is going on.
- Every sentencing reform the Council has passed in recent memory
has been law dating back to 2016, 2018, or 2021 at the latest, if not
earlier. While no law should be considered immune to changes or
updates, there's no evidence that these sentencing laws, all of which
can only be used at the discretion of Superior Court judges, impacted
2023 crime rates, especially as several reforms applied to middle-aged
or elderly individuals, not young people who are exponentially more
likely to commit violent crimes. In fact, the District paid for an
analysis of reoffense rates, which showed no connection between those
arrested for carjackings, for example, and individuals being
resentenced by judges under these laws. Specifically related to police
accountability reforms, the District is also hardly alone in our
efforts to balance policing needs with commonsense laws passed to ban
chokeholds, expand transparency, and improve accountability for
officers found to have committed serious misconduct like domestic
violence and sexual assault. Many jurisdictions saw declines in
violent crime and put in place similar reforms since 2020.
- MPD's staffing challenges stem from low hiring numbers, something
nearly every department in the nation struggles with. I passed a
law to require MPD to publish data on hiring and attrition, and that
data (FY18-FY24
is here) shows that voluntary reasons for leaving,
retirements, resignations, and senior separations (when a veteran
officer stayed on past their retirement as a "senior officer"), dating
back to 2014 have been largely been steady over that nine year stretch
-- with last year, FY23, showing one of the lowest numbers of
departures from the department. In that nine year stretch, departures
were highest in FY15 and FY16. Our challenge now is that it still
outpaces hiring trends, with 316 total separations in FY23
but only 193 hires (and that's with MPD's fully requested hiring
budget being approved by the Council, including $25k signing bonuses
and tuition and housing incentives).
- I also see DC Superior Court judges questioned on their sentencing
decisions, but in close to 95% of all cases with a sentence, judges
are what we call "Guideline-compliant", meaning they follow DC's
voluntary Sentencing Guidelines. These Guidelines are developed by the
Sentencing Commission based on past sentences and the penalties in
law, and factor in the defendant's criminal history, the severity of
the offense, and any mitigating factors (like self-defense) or
exacerbating ones (motivated by a hate crime or clear bias). A further
wrinkle here is that in every year since 2014, U.S. Attorney's Office
prosecutors have reached a plea agreement in roughly 9 out of every 10
convictions secured. By its very nature, a plea agreement almost
always involves a downgrade in the charge, as very few people plea to
the most serious consequences they face -- which can result in a
shorter sentence and a lower criminal history score when evaluating
any new offenses.
The Lack of Swift and Certain Consequences
So what was unique about the District compared to its peers in
2023? The bottom line is we aren't seeing anything close to
"swift and certain consequences" that we know are essential to
deterring illegal and dangerous behavior. That means people aren't
being caught, or if they are, the charges aren't being prosecuted. And
we're not focusing all of our efforts on the "hot people" in our
neighborhoods. In a theme that was extremely clear during the panel,
coordination between government agencies is poor. This is why
the District needs to adopt a strategic
gun violence reduction plan immediately, and Executive Branch
agencies must coordinate with focus on the small number of individuals
responsible for most violent crime.
Some of this inevitably stems from the biggest reason DC is an
outlier -- we're the only jurisdiction in the US where the federal
government and the local government split core responsibilities in the
criminal justice system:
Federal: courts, many police departments, adult
prosecution, prison for local felonies, monitoring defendants on
pre-trial release in the community, parole, clemency, US Marshals, and
Court Social Services, which works with a good part of the youth in
the criminal justice system.
Local: MPD, crime lab, victim support, violence
intervention programs, DC Attorney General (juvenile crimes and some
adult violations including traffic), DC Jail (for sentences under one
year or holding during trial), and the Department of Youth
Rehabilitation Services, which works with the rest of the youth in the
criminal justice system.
It would be hard to design a more convoluted public safety system
if you tried. And even if everyone has the best intentions, the result
means inevitably a less coordinated effort that often lets people slip
through the cracks and experience little to no accountability or
rehabilitation and intervention. It also means the Council can't pass
laws dictating how federal agencies operate. Even with the best of
partnerships, federal agencies ultimately don't answer to DC
residents, and even simple steps like requiring information-sharing to
help bring transparency to the full system are ignored. That doesn't
mean there's nothing we can do; we just have to constantly work
together collaboratively to push in the same direction and, again,
with strategic focus.
All of this means that people who commit harm often aren't
experiencing swift and certain accountability.
So How Can We Have a Safer 2024?
This has already been a very long public safety update from me, so
I'll just hit a few points where I have hope, as well as areas where
we need to see improvement, in the coming year. I'll also keep sharing
more actions in future newsletters:
- First, our Department of Forensic Sciences was reaccredited for
processing drugs and biological evidence like DNA at the end of
December. I've written legislation reforming the crime lab and pushing
it to regain its accreditation. This is big and will allow many
criminal cases to be tested again in DC rather than dropped, put on
the backburner, or farmed out to private labs for analysis.
- Second, MPD hiring is improving, despite the gap between hiring
and attrition, and our cadet pipeline is growing. The number of
officers last year who left the force was one of the lowest in the
past nine years, and at the Council, the expanded DC's cadet pipeline
from 15 to 150 new cadets per year, something I made a priority during
previously when I used to be Chair of the Judiciary Committee.
- Third, with the recent announcement
of an infusion of support and needed resources from the Department of
Justice, I hope we see USAO bringing more cases and lowering their
declination rates. As a reminder, USAO is our federal prosecutor, part
of the Department of Justice. Of course, we want to see these be
strong cases, and as I've said before many times, the communication
and collaboration between prosecutors and police officers needs to be
a priority.
- In December, MPD
announced a real-time crime center and entered into agreement with
many of the federal law enforcement agencies in the District. This
is an encouraging start to seeing improved coordination in our public
safety response.
I remain concerned that DC is resource-rich, but coordination-poor.
We haven't had a new Director of the Mayor's Office of Gun Violence
Prevention since the sudden and tragic passing of its first director,
Linda Harllee Harper last May. The Office of Neighborhood Safety and
Engagement has had an interim leader for too long. Both of these
critical vacancies tell me that gun violence prevention isn't nearly
the priority it needs to be. In 2021, DC paid for the strategic gun
violence reduction plan I mentioned above, and in an update of that report
released this week, the report's author told
NBC4 the District has failed to take aggressive steps to implement
that plan. Accountability is hard to achieve if our agencies don't
work together with a common plan and purpose.
Secure DC Vote on Tuesday
On the Council side, on Tuesday, we'll have our first vote on
Councilmember Pinto's Secure DC legislation. This is a massive bill,
and I
shared some aspects of the bill I feel strongly about and my intent to
support the final package in the last newsletter. If you want to
share your view, just reply to this email.
Public Safety Walk Around Penn and Potomac Avenue SE
Join me, ANC 6B09 Commissioner Matt LaFortune, and
MPD's First District for a community walk to hear updates from MPD on
the recent reckless and unacceptable shootings in the neighborhood.
We'll meet at the Potomac Avenue Metro Station on Monday, February 5,
at 5pm. After the shootings, I visited the impacted businesses and
talked with neighbors, but these walks are opportunities to come
together to connect directly with MPD for subsequent updates on their
investigations and to focus on targeted areas where we need to see
MPD's First District schedules monthly walks with my office and our
ANCs across the District. I'll share information about future dates in
our newsletter when they're finalized.
DC Commits $200 Million to WMATA Fiscal Cliff
I've written in past newsletters that I've been working closely
with Chairman Mendelson and the Mayor's team to determine how the
District will do our part to support our WMATA system. You've heard me
say before -- failure is not an option, and we cannot allow our system
to deteriorate with the broad service cuts WMATA had to put forward
last year as a "doomsday budget." The District is doing more than our
fair share here, as Maryland has offered $150 million and Virginia
$130 million. Read
more about the District's proposal for this year in DCist. And
know this isn't nearly the end of the work -- we need to get WMATA to
a place where it has a reliable and consistent funding stream.
Update on the Healthy Homes Act
One of the most important bills in the Committee on
Transportation and the Environment is the Healthy
Homes and Residential Electrification Act, which I worked on in
partnership with the Sierra Club, Washington Interfaith Network, and
other partners to help DC residents make changes to electrify their
homes and improve the health, sustainability, and affordability of
their households. It would be a voluntary program but would help
incentivize residential transitions of appliances and energy savings.
There's a host of benefits for homeowners, like cleaner air in the
home, improved health, and the potential to lower bills when
electrification is tied to renewable sources (DC has some of the most
generous solar benefits in the country for residences and a community
solar program for houses that can't afford or aren't able to install
solar). You'll see the bill move forward soon -- no
matter how many lobbyists Washington Gas hires. Residents who want
to make the switch should be able to do so, and taking on climate
change can't wait. I
started my morning on Friday meeting with DC's Commission on
Climate Change and Resiliency, where I ran through my agenda for 2024
-- Healthy Homes, lead pipe removal, building out EV charging, and
Related: Did you know the DC
Sustainable Energy Utility has a whole bunch of rebates and tips
for reducing energy use and switching to more efficient and cleaner
systems for both homes and businesses?
H Street Alliance Meeting Launch
Last week, we had our first meeting of the H Street
Alliance at the Atlas Performing Arts Center with more than 60
committed residents, small business owners, and ANCs joining on a
weekday afternoon. The next meeting will be in the evening to ensure
we're accessible to others. But our first conversations were very
encouraging, and we talked about the corridor's challenges, successes,
and where we go from here - all with the goal of concrete programming
to uplift the H Street corridor. We'll have the next meeting date set
soon - likely also at the Atlas - and if you'd like to join our
efforts, just reply!
Related: Thanks to everyone who headed to a Ward 6
restaurant during Winter Restaurant Week. I know along the H Street
corridor, I spoke to a lot of business owners who said they saw
business booming! And felt hope and excitement after a strong two
weeks. These businesses mean a lot to us and our community, so thanks
if you were able to get out for a meal or two.
Cobb Park in Mt. Vernon Triangle Finally Moving
Finally, finally, finally there's a park coming to
the Mt. Vernon Triangle neighborhood. Earlier this month, I urged DGS,
DPR, and DDOT to take action on stalled progress to begin construction
on Cobb Park, which I funded now several years ago. This week, DDOT
responded that they're clearing the remaining hurdles so that
construction can begin this calendar year. This is great news, and I'm
excited to see movement. Here's
a little more on Cobb Park, and here's the last
community presentation featuring design concepts from 2022.
Bus Lane Camera Enforcement Now in Effect
In December, I moved emergency legislation to speed up DDOT and
WMATA's rollout of the Clear Lanes Program, which is an automated
ticketing camera initiative on our buses for violations of parking or
standing in a bus lane or bus stop. As part of that legislation, I
lowered the fine from $200 to $100 to align with similar violations.
Last month, the program began enforcement for blocking bus stops. This
Monday, the program expanded to include our red, painted bus lanes.
Please note that this only applies during hours when the bus lane is
in effect. Some bus lanes are 24/7, but most have specific posted
hours so that people can use them for parking most of the day outside
of the rush hour when we need those buses moving and clearing out of
traffic. Just like with the District's speed cameras, the easiest way
to avoid a ticket is to find a place to park or drop-off that isn't
the bus lane. The goal, of course, is to speed up our bus service and
improve reliability, and you can't do either with blocked lanes. That
being said, if you find areas where we've got a real challenge,
particularly for residents with disabilities, flag them for me or my
team so we can explore alternatives with DDOT.
Final Vote Tuesday on STEER Act

Next Tuesday, the Council will hold our second and final vote on my
Act, which includes provisions to give teeth to our automated
traffic enforcement cameras to hold dangerous drivers accountable. How
many times have you seen a report of a license plate with thousands
and thousands of dollars in unpaid tickets - sometimes even more than
$100,000?! These are dangerous drivers, but our system doesn't have a
way to hold them accountable. That changes with this law. I wrote more
in my last newsletter about the bill, but here are three things I
want you to know as the bill passes:
- It creates a point system for vehicles that accumulate multiple
dangerous speeding violations in a six-month window and allows them to
be prioritized for booting and towing.
- It empowers the District's Attorney General to bring a civil suit
against drivers and the cars themselves - in DC and in other states -
with a large number of unpaid DC speeding violations.
- It closes gaps between DC's DMV and DC Superior Court to ensure
people arrested or convicted for a DWI or DUI to ensure those drivers
no longer have the right to get behind the wheel.
There's plenty more in the bill highlighted in the press
release here. Thanks to our many safe streets advocates in the
Ward and across the District for all your support.
The Marion Barry Summer Youth Employment Program Registration is
The Summer Youth Employment Program is now accepting applications
for 2024. This is a paid summer job or internship for young people,
and we've loved having them in our office over the years. If you know
a DC resident between the ages of 14 and 24 who needs a summer job,
this is a great opportunity or if you're an employer interested in
hosting, everything
can be found here.
Performance Oversight Form and Transportation &
Environment Hearings
The Council's performance oversight season is
underway. This is the time when nearly every District government
agency comes before the Council to review its performance, update the
public on various initiatives, and answer questions from
Councilmembers. I've
created a form here for feedback on the performance of any
government agency -- many thanks to those who have already submitted
comments and questions. These help me and my team know where to focus
during this busy period.
I'll be chairing three oversight hearings on the agencies under the
purview of the Committee on Transportation and the Environment. You
can sign up to testify here (filter
by Committee to find the hearing you want to register for).
Tax Resources and Credits Available to District
It's tax season, and DC residents have several available benefits I
don't want you to miss. Here's a quick rundown:
DC’s Earned Income Tax Credit (DC EITC): In the
past, I've referred to this as DC's monthly basic income. In the FY21
budget, I expanded the District's match of the Earned Income Tax
Credit and turned it into a monthly payment to recipients. This has
helped thousands of District families have more money in their budget
each month for whatever they need.
Every year, people who are eligible for the EITC credit miss out on
free money back because they don't think they're owed or owe taxes. So
if you know someone who might be eligible, make sure they file!
- The District Earned Income Tax Credit (DC EITC) is a refundable
credit for low- and moderate-income workers, separate from the federal
- The DC EITC gives individuals and families 70% of their Federal
EITC amount for tax year 2023, one of the highest match rates in the
- To learn more visit, visit https://eitc.dc.gov/
Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (Federal
- The Federal Earned Income Tax Credit (Federal EITC) provides money
back for people who work and who have a low or moderate income.
- Individuals and families who qualify generally make less than
$17,640 and $63,398, respectively.
- Through the federal EITC, residents can get back anywhere between
$560 to $7,000 on their taxes.
- To learn more visit: irs.gov/eitc.
District of Columbia Keep Child Care Affordable Tax
- The credit is available to taxpayers based on the amount of
eligible child care expenses paid by the taxpayer per eligible
- Last year, the amount of the Keep Child Care Affordable Tax Credit
was a maximum of $1,045 per eligible child.
- To learn more visit: MyTax.dc.gov.
Disabled or Senior Citizen Property Tax Relief
- The Senior Citizen Tax Relief Program applies to those property
owners who occupy their property as their principal place of
residence, are 65 years of age or older, and meet certain income
- When a property owner turns 65 years of age or older, or when they
have a disability, they may file an application immediately for
disabled or senior citizen property tax relief.
- This benefit reduces a qualified property owner's property tax by
- To learn more visit: MyTax.dc.gov.
DC Free Tax Preparation Locations and Financial Assistance
- Free tax clinics are open to all residents.
- To find a tax clinic near you, visit disb.dc.gov/freetaxprepresources.
- The AARP is partnering with DC to support seniors, which includes
free tax assistance.
- To learn more, visit: taxaide.aarpfoundation.org.
(I'll save you the click -- there's an AARP tax prep location at the
Library Mondays and Wednesdays Friday 1 to 5 pm)
Tax Credit for Small and Local Businesses
I'm always surprised by the number of business owners who aren't
aware of the Small Retailer Property Tax Credit, which provides up
$5,000 back to a retail or restaurant business with a federal gross
receipts under $2.5 million. I created this business tax credit a few
years ago and for those using it, it's been a welcome help. Learn
more with this FAQ, and don't miss out on this credit. Relatedly,
I introduced
legislation to expand this credit up to $10,000, and I could use
your help advocating to the Committee
on Business and Economic Development that this bill should move
Missed Trash / Recycling or Leaf Collection? Let my team
In the past few weeks, my Constituent Services team has helped fix
trash and recycling collection for many neighbors where it was skipped
for a few cycles. I know it can get backed up quickly, so don't
hesitate to reach out as soon as you have a missed
collection. Similarly, DPW is back to leaf collection for a second
pass. If you haven't gotten it, let my team know. Here's my team:
11th Street Bridge Park Town Hall Meeting
Join a meeting on February 8th at 7:00pm for the 11th Street Bridge
Park Town Hall. It’s an opportunity to come together as a community
and discuss the future of the 11th Street Bridge Park. The 11th Street
Bridge Park will show a presentation of the park’s final design by
architectural team OMA+OLIN, followed by the unveiling of the park's
brand new Equitable Development Plan. Visit bridgepark.org/publicmeeting
for more information.
My School DC Lottery Applications for High School Due, Pre-K 3
Closes March 1
The deadline for enrolling students in DC public school grades 9-12
closed on February 1. The next deadline is March 1 for all other
grades, including Pre-K. Visit MySchoolDC.com for
more information.
DPR Summer Camp Registration Coming Up
Parents of school-aged kids, I know you're already deep in the
planning for the summer months when school is out. DPR opened up its
website this past Monday for parents to browse
camp locations and offerings online. The summer camp registration
lottery will run February 12-26. Residents can also apply for reduced
rate. Good luck, and may the odds be ever in your favor!
Second Pass at Leaf Collection Begins This Week
DPW will begin a second collection this week across the entire
District. Track
progress here, and if your street is marked as cleared, but it
wasn't, please reach
out to my team.
Caps Ticket Giveaway!
And a reward for all our loyal readers: a ticket giveaway! Just
reply to this email if you'd like two tickets to the Caps v. Canucks
on Sunday, February 11th, at 1:30pm at Capital One Arena.
Finally, a quick thanks to everyone who joined me
for community office hours on Friday evening at as you are. on
Barracks Row. We'll post more soon to the website calendar.
See you around the neighborhood!
Charles Allen