
TICTeC's online

today & tomorrow

Virtual event

The Impacts of Civic Technology conference

Online, and free to access

Don't forget to join us online for TICTeC from 13:00 GMT today and tomorrow.

It's absolutely free: here's everything you need to know.

What is TICTeC?

TICTeC is mySociety's annual Impacts of Civic Technology conference which brings together civic tech practitioners, commentators and academics from around the world to debate, network, and share research and knowledge.This year, we've taken it online. There's lots more information here.

What's on the agenda?

See the full rundown of sessions here.

How can I take part?

Dip in at any time to listen to presentations, submit questions and join the chat.

You'll need to make sure you've got the following free software up and running in good time — don't leave it until five minutes before the start!


Presentations will be taking place via Zoom. Before TICTeC starts, please make sure you have downloaded the Zoom launcher, or read this page to learn more about Zoom, including how to use it in your browser.

The link to the conference is, and you can also find this at the top of the agenda page.


Slido allows the audience to submit and vote for audience questions, so the ones that the speaker answers are the ones most people want to hear. Go to and enter the code #tictec. You may like to download the mobile app instead - just search for 'slido' in your app store or visit

Access to Google docs

There’ll be a collaborative document for each session where we can all work together to take notes for each session. Find them here.

You won’t need a Google account to view or add to these documents.

Who's on the line-up?

Expect barnstorming keynote sessions from Nanjala Nyabola and Hollie Russon Gilman, each giving profound insights into the extraordinary political times we are living in, from a global perspective.

There'll also be sessions from representatives of Iceland's local and national government and civil society; research presented from Uganda, Taiwan, North and South America and beyond; and speakers from a range of organisations including Civic Hall, Citizens Foundation of Iceland,, Transparency International, The African Legal Information Institute, Frag Den Staat... and more.

Check the agenda for full timings and more details.

There is space for everyone

Unlike the real TICTeC, there's virtually no restriction on how many people can join us online. So please share this message anywhere you can: newsletters, social media, email, mailing lists etc.

Thanks! Hope to see you there.

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Image credit: Nathan Ansell

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