From Membership Inactive <[email protected]>
Subject Kick off February by becoming a 2024 Member to Defend the Senate!
Date February 3, 2024 10:01 PM
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Thousands of Democrats activated their 2024 Membership to Defend the Senate in January. Help us kick off February by activating your membership today, John:

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John —

We’ll be frank: If Republicans take back the Senate, it’s game over.

A national abortion ban
Cuts to Social Security and Medicare
Stacking our courts with extreme, anti-choice judges

All of this — and even more — could happen if Mitch McConnell takes back the Senate majority. We have the chance to prevent this from happening in November, and it starts by defending these 23 Senate seats:

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President Biden needs our help to defend our razor-thin Democratic majority. Activate your 2024 Membership to Defend the Senate by rushing in $10 today >> [[link removed]]

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

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Thank you,

— Defend the Senate

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