Dear John,
In case you missed it...this week the Voices for Human Needs blog urged Congress to quickly approve the Bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024, which would significantly improve the Child Tax Credit and lift hundreds of thousands of children out of poverty. After the House approved the legislation on a strong bipartisan vote, CHN quickly urged the Senate to follow suit -- the bill's future in the upper chamber is far from certain. Finally, CHN unveiled our latest Human Needs Report: Tracking Hardship, which this week focuses on the domestic needs agenda. Meanwhile, if you know of colleagues, friends, family members or others who you think should subscribe to the weekly Voices blog summary, please encourage them to do so here.
This week on the blog...
CHN urges timely yes vote on Bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024
January 30
CHN this week urged Congress to vote for H.R. 7024, the bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024. We urge members of Congress to actively support moving the bipartisan tax package at the first opportunity because of important changes to the Child Tax Credit (CTC). We think it is critical that the expansions to the CTC can take effect this tax season. READ MORE »
CHN: The Senate should join the House to improve the Child Tax Credit
February 1
With the House passage of the Bipartisan Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act, Congress is one important step closer to making needed improvements in the Child Tax Credit that will benefit 16 million children in families with low incomes and lift 400,000 children out of poverty this year. Now the Senate must act expeditiously to pass the bill, with no amendments that would reduce the Child Tax Credit’s help to children. READ MORE »
CHN's Human Needs Watch: Tracking Hardship
February 2
The domestic emergency needs edition. You’ve heard some in Congress say we have an emergency along our Southern border. And yes, it is true that Republicans should join Democrats at the table and negotiate a comprehensive immigration bill – one that treats immigrants fairly, whether they are already here, or are seeking to come here due to facing political oppression or various other forms of violence at home. But as members of Congress stare down the FY 2024 appropriations process from both sides of the aisle, it is abundantly clear that we have a number of domestic human needs emergencies we must address. READ MORE »
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