Good evening,
I hope that this note finds you and your family safe and healthy. 
For those of you who are struggling or have loved ones who are struggling with the COVID-19 virus, my prayers are with you. 
I am confident we'll get through this crisis -- America always does. 
On this, the tenth anniversary of the passage of the Affordable Care Act, or "ACA," I think it is worth taking a moment to reflect on how much progress we have made in just 10 years.
The unease that many of us feel now about the physical health of ourselves and our fellow citizens is real, as it was for millions of Americans before the Affordable Care Act. But God-willing, today that fear is temporary, not permanent. And for many of us, it is only temporary because of the ACA. 
Because of the ACA, 20 million more Americans now know the financial security of health insurance, including more than 3 million children. At no point in American history has the uninsured rate been lower than it is today. That's because of the ACA. No Americans today live in fear of hitting their insurance plan's lifetime limits, and no Americans today that suffer from underlying pre-existing medical conditions, are concerned that they will not be able to find insurance plans that accept them. Untold numbers of Americans with access to free preventative care -- as all health plans have under the ACA -- have identified and avoided serious medical ailments before they manifest. 
The ACA is not perfect. No law is. We have more work to do and I'm committed to continuing to improve upon it. But make no mistake, I am grateful for the ACA and for all of the benefits and freedoms it affords so many of us.

And as you and your families hunker down and make it through the COVID-19 outbreak, I hope you'll join me in expressing gratitude to President Obama, Vice President Biden, and everyone else who helped deliver this priceless gift to countless Americans.
Thank you for your support. I'll keep fighting the good fight.