From New Dems Press <[email protected]>
Subject New Democrat Coalition Weekly Wrap 2/2
Date February 2, 2024 10:02 PM
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New Democrat Coalition Leadership released a statement following the House floor vote on the bipartisan tax bill. The package reflects several priorities outlined in the Coalition’s December endorsement slate ([link removed]) of tax legislation.

The legislation passed by a vote of 357-70, with the majority of New Dems voting in favor:

“New Dems applaud today’s passage of a bipartisan, bicameral tax package that delivers on several priorities long-championed by our Coalition, including expanding the Child Tax Credit (CTC) and the Low Income Housing Tax Credit, incentivizing research and development investment, supporting Main Street businesses, and strengthening our trade relationship with Taiwan.

“While this package isn’t perfect, particularly in its omission of a fully enhanced CTC, it will make meaningful changes to the tax code that empower hardworking families and small businesses to achieve their financial goals, bolstered by the strength of our growing economy.

“Despite Republican chaos, today’s passage demonstrates the progress we can make when Democrats and Republicans work together to find common ground and govern from the middle out. New Dems call on the Senate to bring this bill to the floor quickly and look forward to continuing our work throughout the remainder of the 118th Congress to deliver commonsense, bipartisan solutions for the American people.”
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"Budzinski, the bipartisan Democrat"
Illinois Times by David Blanchette ([link removed])

The most surprising thing 13th District Congresswoman Nikki Budzinski found during her first year in office is that there are many more people like her in Washington, D.C.

"There are a lot of us who want to get things done and we work together to accomplish that," said Budzinski, a Democrat from Springfield. "We see a lot of common interests and common goals and work together to find solutions."

When the newly elected Budzinski last sat down with the Illinois Times (Freshman class, April 27, 2023), she was just a few months into her two-year term and expressed a strong desire to work with her fellow representatives from both political parties. She's been able to do that, she said, by ignoring the partisan political rhetoric that seems to grab the headlines.

"I think the extremes within both of our parties exacerbate the polarization of our politics today," Budzinski said. "If more of us come together and listen less to the extremes we would find more compromise and collaboration and much more of a functional federal government...
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Rep. Rick Larsen (WA-02) ([link removed]) authored an op-ed in the Cascadia Daily News about the ongoing opioid epidemic in the Pacific Northwest. Larsen released a district opioid report that analyzes the impact in Northwest Washington specifically and offers federal policy recommendations to address many of the concerns he has heard from constituents, local leaders and stakeholders in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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Rep. Joe Courtney ([link removed]) was featured in the Connecticut Examiner after hosting U.S. Acting Secretary of Labor Julie Su to discuss federal efforts to protect health care workers from violence. The visit comes after a nurse in Connecticut was murdered while caring for her patient.

Courtney and Su were joined by health care professionals, nursing students, and state leaders to hear how the Congressman’s legislation and ongoing federal efforts can address this alarming rate of violence and ensure our health care industry can adequately hire, retain, and ensure the safety of their staff.
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New Dems Host NIST Director Laurie Locascio to Weekly Member Meeting
[link removed] Tuesday, New Dems hosted the National Institute of Standards and Technology ([link removed]) (NIST) Director Laurie Locascio at our weekly lunch to discuss the implementation of the President’s Artificial Intelligence Executive Order, and what New Dems can do to address the emerging opportunities and challenges of AI.
New Dem Artificial Intelligence Working Group Discuss Governance and Regulation
On Wednesday, the New Democrat Coalition Artificial Intelligence Working Group, led by Chair Derek Kilmer (WA-06), met to discuss the future of artificial intelligence governance, regulation, and research.
Rep. McBath Shares Social Security Casework Success Story
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On the 84th anniversary of the first Social Security check issued to an American, Rep. Lucy McBath (GA-07) ([link removed]) shared a New York Times article ([link removed]) that was written about a constituent who she assisted with a Social Security matter.
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Rep. Glenn Ivey (MD-04) ([link removed]) convened a summit to bring stakeholders together to support survivors of gun violence in Prince George's County, Maryland and the Metropolitan Washington, DC area. He provided federal grant resource information, connected local groups with national advocates and furthered the the discussion on how to turn pain into powerful policy so other families may not have to experience the devastating loss of gun violence.
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Congresswoman Susie Lee (NV-03) ([link removed]) recently announced that Unimacts, a Las Vegas solar manufacturing company, will be adding 200 good-paying clean energy jobs in total between their current Las Vegas manufacturing facility and future facility in Sloan. Congresswoman Lee made the announcement during a tour of the Unimacts facility, located in Nevada’s Third Congressional District, with CEO Alan Hays, company leadership, and local employees.
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Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26) ([link removed]) and Rep. Salud Carbajal (CA-24) announced a grant award of $12 million for electric vehicle (EV) charging infrastructure across Ventura County. With this funding, the County of Ventura will make critical investments to ensure that residents, businesses, and visitors to the region are able to take part in a cleaner, greener, and safer future, while creating jobs and strengthening the local economy.
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Horsford Introduces Mental Health Transparency Act to Enhance Access and Empower Consumers in Mental Health Care ([link removed])
Congressman Steven Horsford (NV-04) introduced legislation to enhance transparency and consumer empowerment in mental health care. The Mental Health Transparency Act would improve the way mental health services are navigated and accessed in the United States.

Congresswoman Torres Leads House Introduction of Bicameral Bill to Protect Human Rights Defenders Worldwide ([link removed])
Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35) announced the introduction of the Human Rights Defenders Protection Act of 2024. This bicameral legislation enhances the United States’ ability to protect individuals abroad who are attacked for peacefully defending human rights and democracy. The legislation will bolster the U.S. Government’s capacity to support human rights defenders in their efforts, including by establishing an interagency framework for doing so that will live beyond any one administration.

Congresswoman Torres Introduces Bicameral Bill to Improve Voter Registration at Naturalization Ceremonies ([link removed])
Congresswoman Norma J. Torres (CA-35), Chair of the New Americans Caucus, introduced bicameral legislation to improve voter registration efforts at naturalization ceremonies. The Including New Voters In The Electorate (INVITE) Act (H.R. 7179 ([link removed]) ) would designate United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) field offices as voter registration agencies under the National Voter Registration Act, requiring USCIS staff to help new U.S. citizens complete their voter registration forms and return them to the appropriate state agency following their naturalization.

Rep. Carbajal Leads Introduction of Bipartisan Legislation to Unlock Federal Funds for Safe Parking Programs Nationwide ([link removed])
Congressman Salud Carbajal (CA-24) introduced bipartisan legislation (H.R. 7133 ([link removed]) ) to unlock federal dollars for safe parking programs. The bill is inspired by the 20th anniversary of the launch of the nation’s first safe parking program in Santa Barbara, California. Rep. Carbajal helped set up the 2004 program through his role as a staffer at the County of Santa Barbara. The Santa Barbara program, overseen by the local nonprofit New Beginnings, has served as a model for similar programs across the United States.

Sorensen Introduces Bipartisan Bill to Crack Down on Artificial Intelligence Robocalls ([link removed])
Congressman Eric Sorensen (IL-17) along with Congressman Juan Ciscomani (AZ-06) introduced the bipartisan Quashing Unwanted and Interruptive Electronic Telecommunications (QUIET) Act (H.R. 7123 ([link removed]) ), which requires robocallers to disclose when artificial intelligence (AI) technology is used and increases penalties for violators who use AI to impersonate individuals.

Brownley Introduces Legislation to Expand Agriculture Climate Research and Practices ([link removed])
Rep. Julia Brownley (CA-26) announced the introduction of the Improving Coordination of Agriculture Research and Data Act (H.R. 7163 ([link removed]) ), legislation that would better facilitate the coordination of agriculture climate research, data collection, and monitoring, as well as expand adoption of climate-smart agriculture practices.

McBath, House and Senate Colleagues Introduce Bill to Support Crime Victims ([link removed])
Representative Lucy McBath (GA-07), along with Representative Harriet Hageman (WY-At-Large) and Senators John Cornyn (R-TX), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Marsha Blackburn (R-TN), and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) introduced the Victims’ Voices Outside and Inside the Courtroom Effectiveness (Victims’ VOICES) Act, which would ensure family members, legal guardians, and those appointed by the court who act on behalf of a victim during certain criminal court case proceedings receive restitution from convicted defendants for the costs they incur as a result of the offense, including transportation, lost income, and childcare.
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