Early this year Elon Musk and his $180 BILLION company SpaceX took action to destroy a key agency tasked with protecting workers’ rights in our country: the National Labor Relations Board. This is the government agency that hears worker complaints and protects workers from illegal union busting and attacks on collective bargaining.
And this is JUST IN: Trader Joe’s has entered the ring. Just last week, a lawyer defending Trader Joe’s called the National Labor Relations Board UNCONSTITUTIONAL. This is a direct attack on working people.
Working people like me and you are building a movement that lifts workers of all backgrounds, races, and industries so every worker has the power of a union and can demand the respect, protections, and pay that will help better our lives.
We WON’T let corporations and #GreedyCEOs like Elon Musk keep rigging the system against us and dismantling the few protections we have.
Send a Letter NOW Demanding Trader Joe’s, SpaceX, and Elon Musk Stop Attacking Working People
Here are just some of the sins Elon Musk has committed against workers and why we must hold him (and ALL corporations) accountable:
>> In late 2022, after he took over Twitter (now known as X), Elon Musk laid off droves of workers without cause and ousted unionized contract janitors weeks before Christmas.
>> In Sweden, Tesla and Elon Musk refuse to reach collective agreements with mechanics. This stand-off has created a regionwide boycott of Tesla across industries.
>> Tesla has been accused of several incidents of union busting over the years, including barring workers in Florida from discussing pay and protections, and Elon Musk tweeted in 2018 that employees who considered a union would lose stock options.
>> In November 2023, Elon Musk—the RICHEST man in the world—stated, “I disagree with the idea of unions… I just don’t like anything which creates a lords and peasants sort of thing.”
Union busters like SpaceX, Trader Joe’s, Amazon, and Starbucks (where I work!) are finding new, insidious ways of keeping working people from rising up and building power. As a Starbucks worker, I am no stranger to the importance of holding corporations and #GreedyCEOs accountable. Since Starbucks Workers United started organizing, hundreds of cases have been filed alleging Starbucks violated workers’ rights. We need enforcement agencies like the National Labor Relations Board to hold corporations accountable.
Thank you for demanding SpaceX and Trader Joe's STOP attacking workers' rights, making it clear that working people WILL take action if these corporations refuse to listen. If you haven’t sent a letter yet, now is your chance, we need you with us!
In Solidarity,
Neha Cremin
Starbucks Workers United
Oklahoma City