Join us on March 2 to bring our demands to lawmakers in DC & across the country

Dear John


See you at the Wilson Building on March 2nd!

RSVP now for more details and updates.


Mass Poor People's and Low-Wage Workers' Assembly

Saturday March 2, Gather @ 10am; Assembly @ 11am

Assembly at John Wilson Building, Pennsylvania Ave, NW


DC will be joining over 30 states holding simultaneous days of action at statehouses across the country.


Poverty is the 4th leading cause of death in this country but it doesn't have to be this way. If we act together, we can make fundamental change.  When we address the policy violence that denies millions of us healthcare, livable wages, voting rights, and the right to lead dignified lives, we lift from the bottom. Because when we address one of these, we must address them all.  And it is only together, in coalition, that we can accomplish this.


Getting ready to send a message to DC elected officials on March 2 and preparing for the events leading up to it requires planning now to involve poor and impacted communities, faith leaders and advocates from all parts of the city.

  • Put March 2nd on your calendar now.
  • Sign up here to let us know you’ll be there.
  • And respond to this email if you want to help DC get ready.

Forward together, not one step back!


DC Poor People's Campaign

[email protected]


Learn more about the DC Poor Peoples Campaign here: