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February half-term is just around the corner, which means that more mobile zoos will be on the road, exploiting animals by using them as props for human entertainment. 

You can help today by reporting a mobile zoo event in your area!

Animals used by mobile zoos are transported around the country in cramped containers and cages, to be handed around at children's birthday parties, summer fetes, school talks and other completely unsuitable places, purely for fun.

Put on display around loud music and crowds, with reaching hands surrounding them, the stress these sensitive animals are forced to endure is heartbreaking. 

Animals like Alex the meerkat.


In his small barren cage, Alex was hiding behind a single branch that served to furnish his temporary ‘home’. He was on display in an indoor shopping market alongside dozens of other exotic animals. People were leering in at him, trying to get a picture by crowding around him. Children were sticking their fingers through the bars of his cage, leaving him nowhere to hide.

Can you help us fight for animals like Alex, and against these cruel businesses? Please consider donating today, to help us progress our campaign to end mobile zoos.

Animals are not ours to exploit for entertainment, and together we can work towards stopping this industry once and for all. 


Animals like Ruby the barn owl.

At almost 12 years old Ruby has spent years of her life being used in displays. Despite being a nocturnal species, she is taken to events in the daytime to be handled by the public. Tethered by her legs, every movement she makes is controlled by her captors. She cannot fly at will. She cannot choose when to be in the air, or to fly through the night as she was born to do. She is forced to live in a cage, and wait to be used once again to entertain the public.

We need to do more to help these animals, who are facing a summer of suffering. Could you give a donation today, to help fuel this campaign for these animals?


We believe, as I know you do too, that no animal should be used for entertainment. It is devastating that so many individuals including meerkats, owls, eagles, lizards, skunks, reindeers, are being used by these businesses for profit. They all suffer, they all feel fear, and they all deserve their freedom.

It is only thanks to your valued support that we can continue speaking up for these animals held captive, and tirelessly work for their freedom. Thank you for all you do! 

For the animals,

Laura Walton
Campaigns Manager
Freedom for Animals

P.S. If you want to help bring about more huge change to the lives of animals currently suffering in captivity, please consider joining our committed group of Freedom Champions

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