![]() Dear Fellow Patriot, As you know, I’m gravely concerned about what the reaction to coronavirus is doing to our country, our prosperity, and our liberties.Numerous
reports in recent days sent shivers up my That’s a relief, considering the surgery Rand underwent recently to remove a small portion of his lung that was damaged when he was blindsided and physically assaulted by a neighbor, for political payback. It’s also a sober reminder that we all must always be on guard, whether it’s threats to our health or attacks popping up when our focus is elsewhere. Consider this one headline over the weekend from Politico the national media elites virtually ignored: “DOJ seeks new emergency powers amid coronavirus pandemic!” The powers the Department of Justice goons want during so-called “emergencies” is INDEFINITE DETENTION of American citizens without trial! This outrageous assault on our remaining liberties isn’t something out of Fidel Castro’s Communist Cuba. This is something statists in our federal government want the power to do! You and I can’t let this happen. You and I MUST fight back. That’s why I’m counting on liberty-loving patriots like you to sign the EMERGENCY POWERS OPPOSITION DIRECTIVE, I’ve prepared for you. As you’ll see, this directive insists your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators oppose any and all schemes that would allow federal agents to jail law-abiding Americans without a trial. This blatantly unconstitutional power grab has topped the statists’ wish list for years! Now, with the nation gripped in fear and panic over the coronavirus, Attorney General William Barr and his Department of Justice goons think they have the perfect opportunity to ram it through. Fellow Patriot, INDEFINITE DETENTION is among the most egregious in the torrent of “emergency powers” authoritarians have sought since this outbreak began. And if we let them get away with it, what freedoms won’t they take from us? What liberties will they not crush as the statists continually expand their power under the pretense of “keeping us safe” during this coronavirus outbreak? And what about the next emergency? You and I already know the economic fallout from the massive, Fed-created asset bubble will likely be here long after the panic over coronavirus subsides. Will that just be a continuation of the emergency? What about the next “Tea Party” movement that could grow in its wake? Will that be the next contagion needing to be contained? Remember, not too long ago, it was C4L members who were listed in a Missouri Fusion Center report, later referred to as the MIAC report, as domestic extremists to be watched. And it wasn’t just C4L members on that list, but people displaying third party logos and bumper stickers and supporters of specific politicians, including me. In the past, everyone from gun owners, to pro-lifers, to tea partiers, were labeled “terrorists” by their political opponents. You don’t have to think very long to see how terrible this could get . . . government agents with the power to secretly target American citizens and throw them in jail for years or even decades without so much as ever giving them a trial! This is why it’s of the utmost importance that you and I crush any moves -- emergency or not -- to grant government goons such raw power! Perhaps this president won’t use or abuse such authority, but what about the next? And the one after that? So please, sign your EMERGENCY POWERS OPPOSITION DIRECTIVE at once. Our rights aren't simply eroding. They are being taken out to sea in the wake of a tsunami from our government. That’s why I’m counting on you to sign your EMERGENCY POWERS OPPOSITION DIRECTIVE, at once and then please consider going just a small step further. If you’ll agree to chip in with a generous contribution of $10 or even $25, it will go a long way to helping Campaign for Liberty win critical fights like this. Please act at once. For Liberty,
![]() Ron Paul Chairman P.S. Our Federal government just asked Congress for so-called “emergency powers” to jail American citizens indefinitely without ever giving them a trial! Grabbing blatantly unconstitutional INDEFINITE DETENTION powers has topped the statists’ wish list for years! Now, they think they have the perfect opportunity to ram it through during the panic over coronavirus.If we let them get away with seizing such RAW POWER, they’ll never relinquish it, so please sign your EMERGENCY POWERS OPPOSITION DIRECTIVE right away! And if you could chip in $10 or even $25 to help C4L in this crucial fight, please do so at once. |