February 2, 2024

Fireside Sessions

Big XII on the Hill


On Wednesday I got to engage with bright and inquisitive Baylor students with Big XII on the Hill. As a Member of Congress, sharing my journey and insights with the next generation of leaders a true pleasure. The students arrived armed with thoughtful questions and optimism that speaks volumes about their readiness to take on the world's complexities. 

Meetings like this leave me confident in future leaders. We are in dire need of young individuals like these—keen, driven, and committed to serving their country. It is these qualities that forge the path for meaningful change and progress.

The Inter-parliamentary Security Forum

On Wednesday, I had the honor of attending the Inter-Parliamentary Security Forum, to engage in strategic discussions with representatives from countries in the Balkan region. China and Russia are malignant threats to the freedom loving world. Americans can keenly sense this, and our friends in the Balkans are seeing this up close and personal.

The Balkan region stands at a crossroads, with nations like Albania, Bosnia, Kosovo, Montenegro, North Macedonia, and Serbia under delayed European Union (EU) integration, which is fueling regional frustration. As well, Russia directly opposes the aspirations of countries like Kosovo and Bosnia and Herzegovina to join North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO).  

ImageFurthermore, China's 17+1 Initiative, and expansive Belt and Road Initiative are quietly reshaping the region's infrastructure and investment landscape. The over 136 Chinese-backed projects in the Balkans, particularly in energy and infrastructure sectors, are alarming, not merely for their scale but for their potential to deepen local governance challenges and regional divides.

I was proud to join Members of Congress to stand with the Balkan states in their pursuit of democracy, sovereignty, and security. It is necessary to maintain their path toward self-determination and to shield them from the rising disenchantment that makes them vulnerable to external pressures.

The Forum this morning was not just a meeting of minds but a coalition of resolve. By uniting with our allies, we can outline solutions to deter global security threats, including those from China. Our cooperation is a testament to the shared values and commitments that bind us together in the pursuit of a safer, more democratic world.

I look forward to continuing these crucial conversations and taking decisive actions to support our Balkan friends. Together, we stand in defense of democracy.

Call for Awareness of High-Potency THC Risks

In our ongoing commitment to safeguard the health and well-being of all Americans Senator Pete Ricketts (NE) and I introduced a joint concurrent resolution, H.Con.Res 87, known as "Randy’s Resolution," in honor of Randy Bacchus Jr., a promising young individual whose life was tragically cut short by the use of high-potency marijuana. This resolution is aimed at educating the public about the risks associated with these potent substances.

Across the nation, marijuana products are rapidly becoming increasingly potent and highly commercialized. The need for comprehensive research and public education on their health effects has never been more pressing. Evidence is mounting: high-potency THC products are linked to significant adverse health impacts, including a stark increase in the risk of psychosis among users. This is a risk we cannot afford to overlook, particularly for our younger generations.

ImageDuring a press conference on Thursday, Senator Ricketts, Congressman Andy Harris (MD-01), representatives from Smart Approaches to Marijuana, the parents of Randy Bacchus, and I underscored the urgency of this issue. Randy’s Resolution urges local, state, and federal authorities to prioritize and accelerate research into the health effects of high-potency marijuana, and to develop policies and educational programs that can protect our communities from harm.

The marijuana industry is preying on the most vulnerable among us. We can’t stand by and do nothing while the big marijuana lobby gets the next generation addicted to a drug that causes mental health disorders and cognitive impairment. Your support and awareness of this issue can make a significant difference. I hope you will join me in advocating for better safety and mental health among Americans.

Grid Down, Power Up


This week, I had the opportunity to meet and introduce one of America’s great actors, Dennis Quaid, during a special screening of his new documentary, “Grid Down, Power Up.” Dennis is not only a talented actor, but also a foremost expert on our nation’s energy grid, including what improvements are needed to make our grid resilient as a matter of national security. 

Around the world, America’s enemies wish to exploit its vulnerabilities. For years, our nation’s electrical grid has been largely defenseless to electromagnetic pulses (EMPs) and cyber risks. Dennis’ documentary does an excellent job of laying out the facts to raise this as a relevant national security issue that should heightened consideration in our national discourse.  

"Grid Down, Power Up" was an enlightening experience. Dennis’ deep dive into our energy grid's vulnerabilities left a lasting impression. This documentary is a crucial reminder of the work ahead and I am grateful for the awareness it brings, courtesy of one of America's distinguished actors.

In the News


KXXV: 'The Federal Government is wrong'; U.S. Congressman Pete Sessions supports Gov. Abbott


The Dallas Express: Who's Backing Trump in Texas?

Morning in America: 'Take Our Border Back' Convoy Heads South 

Pete Sessions
Member of Congress

