Dear Friend,
Early this morning, at his private
chapel in Rome, Italy, Cardinal Burke gave a soul-stirring homily on
the traditional feast day of St. Ignatius of Antioch,
Here are a few
St. Ignatius of Antioch gave his
life as a testimony to his love of Christ and the Holy Eucharist about
78 years after the Passion, death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. A
true shepherd of the flock, teaching faithfully the doctrine of the
During the episcopal ministry of
St. Ignatius, there were the opposition of those who were worldly
minded, those who saw their salvation in pagan idols, pagan gods, who
make all promises to man for his happiness and in the end, leave him
completely disillusioned. Those
pagan gods, those idols in our lives which draw us away from Christ,
which keep us from living more intensely in Christ and thereby from
finding our true salvation.
Ignatius was a man like us with all the
frailty of our human nature. In him, we see
all the power of Christ’s grace
permitting him to follow Christ heroically,
even desiring to give his life in martyrdom, so that he might, never
in any way fail Christ - that wonderful phrase asking that his
body’s bones be ground by the teeth of the beasts in the Coliseum, the
fierce lions to whom he was given to be devoured so that he may become
the pure bread of Christ. By this we understand, by suffering to
follow Christ, by suffering to love as Christ loved, our own bodies
become more and more purified and become more and more with a radiance
of Christ’s life in us. A radiance of that bread of eternal life – His
true Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity, which we receive in the Holy
Let us ask especially today for the
intercession of St. Ignatius of Antioch for our bishops, that they may
lead us ever more strongly, giving witness to the life of Christ
within us, especially in the world which worships so many pagan idols
and so hostile to the truth of the Gospel. Let us pray with St.
Ignatius of Antioch for that fidelity that our lives may be consumed
completely in the love of Christ in caring out His mission of the
Father, the mission of truth and love.
In case you have not had a chance
to assist at the Holy Mass and Rosary, here
is a link to view. The homily begins at 47:20.
May we all, like St. Ignatius of
Loyola, follow Christ faithfully.
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And
Family https://www.catholicaction.org/
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P.S. Have
you submitted your intentions for the Novena of Holy Masses, that will
begin on Sunday, Feb. 4, during our Novena to the Holy Face before
Shrove Tuesday, Feb. 13? Click