for Pete’s sake.
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This is an urgent call to action: NIH is about to approve a new round of deadly, maximum-pain Tuberculosis tests on innocent marmosets. Read below and take immediate action! To unsubscribe, click here.

Avery’s email (forwarded below) really got to me. 

I didn’t realize how small and adorable marmosets are!

It makes me SICK to think that these animal abusers could be rewarded with a big fat pay raise, paid for by YOU AND ME—the taxpayers!

Taxpayer, there is absolutely no reason another 387 marmoset monkeys need to suffer excruciating deaths. There is already a cure for Tuberculosis for Pete’s sake!

EMERGENCY MIDNIGHT DEADLINE: But that’s exactly what’s going to happen if we don’t fully fund our rapid response budget before tonight’s deadline.

Will you please consider rushing $3.87—just 1¢ per monkey—to help us shut down the NIH’s marmoset lab in Maryland and provide sanctuary for the survivors?

This fight ain’t over ‘til it’s over. Are you with me?


Allison McDonald
Digital Marketing Assistant
White Coat Waste Project 


P.S. If you can’t donate today, we totally understand—times are tough right now! You can still help by emailing your members of Congress and forwarding our messages to your family and friends. Thank you.


Taxpayer, how could anyone hurt her?!

In a cold, sterile government laboratory in Maryland, something awful is about to happen to one of the cutest, most innocent animals on Earth—the marmoset.  

Marmosets get their name from the French word “marmouset” meaning, loosely, “shrimp” or “dwarf.” Indeed, they are among the tiniest monkeys, weighing no more than 13 ounces. 

Picture their small, delicate frames, their wide-eyed innocence, and the gentle way they explore their world.

Now, imagine scientists exploiting these endearing qualities for their own greedy agenda. 

EMERGENCY APPEAL: 387 marmosets need you before midnight on Thursday. To help save their lives, please send just $3.87—that’s only one cent for each marmoset.

Taxpayer, for the last three years, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been funneling millions of our tax dollars to fund horrific, maximum-pain experiments on hundreds of these sensitive creatures.  

The tests involve being forced into a restraint tube, intentionally infected with Tuberculosis, and then left alone to suffer the excruciating symptoms—no anesthesia, no pain relief. 

FEB 1 DEADLINE: In just a couple of days, NIH is slated to request MORE of our tax dollars to fund another round of these experiments. 

If they get away with it, another 387 sweet baby marmosets will be tortured and slaughtered in the same Maryland lab. 

Taxpayer, the White Coat Waste Project is the only group actively fighting for the Maryland marmosets. 

Your emergency gift to our Rapid Response campaign will cover our efforts to block the additional funding, close the lab, support all of our life-saving campaigns, and re-home the survivors to a sanctuary where they can live the happy lives they deserve. 

But we can’t get the job done without your financial support.  

If you can afford it, please send just $3.87—only one penny per marmoset (or as much as you can!)—and be their voice, their protector, and their hope for a brighter future. 

With urgency,  

Avery Kron
Campaign Assistant
White Coat Waste Project 

P.S. More information below. Please don’t delay—this deadline is the best opportunity we’ll ever have to de-fund this lab and save all 387 marmosets from needless torture!  


--- Original Message --- 

Once again Taxpayer, we’re in a race against time (and the government) to save 387 lives. 

IN JUST 48 HOURS: The National Institutes of Health (NIH) will try to ram through funding for another round of MAXIMUM PAIN TUBERCULOSIS experiments on marmosets at a Maryland Monkey Mill. 

No anesthesia. No pain relief. Every tiny marmoset will be slaughtered. 

Please follow this secure link to take emergency action!

2/1 Deadline to End the Torture! 

Taxpayer, unless we take immediate action to block the funding, here’s what will happen to 387 more marmosets in the dark shadows of an NIH laboratory: 

  • The Perfect Victim: These tiny, delicate, and docile monkeys grow to weigh only a half-pound—making the marmoset an ideal specimen for NIH’s white coats to poke, prod, and torture. 
  • Infected With Tuberculosis: First, she’ll be shoved into a restraint tube and forced to inhale the deadly infection. She’s helpless against her abusers.
  • No Pain Relief: As her infection develops, she’ll become too weak to eat or drink... but the white coats will DEPRIVE her of medication to ease her pain. They’ll watch with satisfaction as she suffers extreme weight loss, dehydration, and struggles to breathe. 
  • Zero Survivors: If she survives the infection, she’ll be slaughtered anyway... along with hundreds of her brothers and sisters. 

2/1 Deadline to End the Torture! 

Taxpayer, this is not science. It's taxpayer-funded torture.  

Your urgent donation before midnight on Thursday will fund our rapid response efforts to block funding for NIH's Tuberculosis torture, support all our life-saving campaigns, retire the survivors, and prevent future horrors.

And Taxpayer, that line isn’t a marketing ploy. White Coat Waste Project (WCW) has done more to help monkeys in government labs than any other animal advocacy organization: 

  • We’ve reduced primate testing at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) by 63% and retired survivors to a sanctuary in Florida.
  • We closed a $7 million laboratory at the Dept. of Veterans Affairs (VA), where they drilled holes in primates’ skulls and injected them with the hallucinogenic street drug Angel Dust.
  • We stopped the VA’s $9 million monkey crippling lab in West Haven.

... no other group has shut down a government monkey lab—or any primate tests in the USA—in nearly a decade!  

But now we need your help again, Taxpayer. This time, to win our new campaign against NIH and save all 387 marmosets in Maryland before the Tuberculosis torture begins.  

What do you say... are you in? 

Daniel López
Research & Investigations Director
White Coat Waste Project 


P.S. 2/1 EMERGENCY DEADLINE: We cannot stand idly by while 387 more innocent marmosets suffer. Your support is crucial to fund an EFFECTIVE Rapid Response campaign that will pressure NIH to end this lab and prevent other maximum-pain experiments from being funded in the future. 

Please consider donating to our urgent fundraising campaign. Every dollar brings us one step closer to ending NIH’s nightmarish lab in Maryland and giving hundreds of marmosets a second chance at life. 

2/1 Deadline to End the Torture! 

Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.

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The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
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