Folks, it’s Jim Clyburn here. Can you take two minutes to read my note about Lisa Blunt Rochester?

She's running for Senate in Delaware and I know she'd be perfect for the job. And there's no better time than Black History Month to tell you that she'd be the first Black and female Senator to represent her state.

Before I tell you more about what makes Lisa Blunt Rochester the perfect fit for Senator, can I ask that you make a split contribution of $15 or more to help elect her in November and keep Delaware blue?


Having worked with Lisa side-by-side in the House and as a member of the Congressional Black Caucus, I know she'll be a strong voice for affordable housing, protecting the Affordable Care Act and Social Security entitlements, and ensuring our voting rights are secure.

And representation matters, there is no denying it.

That's why in addition to Lisa's track record of fighting for the issues that matter to Delawareans, it means so much that she'd be a role model for little Black girls across our country.

But Donald Trump, Mitch McConnell, and their group of MAGA allies want nothing more than to flip this seat red and retake the Senate. It's why they'll do anything in their power to support Lisa's opponents.

Will you join me in the fight to elect Lisa Blunt Rochester and build representation in the Senate? Please split a contribution of any amount between her campaign and mine.

This won't come cheap for our campaign, so we're asking for your support. Will you chip in as much as you can swing to help elect Lisa Blunt Rochester so she can fight back against the MAGA agenda and protect our democracy?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will be split immediately between Lisa Blunt Rochester and Jim Clyburn.

CHIP IN $15 »
CHIP IN $50 »
CHIP IN $75 »
CHIP IN $100 »
CHIP IN $250 »

All my thanks,

– Jim Clyburn