Electing More Pro-Family, Pro-Life, America First Conservatives!
Thursday, February 1, 2024
To: Friends & Supporters
From: Gary Bauer
Confronting Communist China
There were two important hearings on Capitol Hill yesterday regarding cybersecurity. Most of the media focused on a Senate hearing into what social media companies are doing to our children.
Kudos to Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) for forcing Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to apologize to the parents in the hearing room.
But on the other side of the Capitol, members of the House Select Committee on the Chinese Communist Party heard disturbing testimony from top security officials about the growing threats from Beijing.
FBI Director Christopher Wray warned that communist China has prioritized cyberwarfare and that Chinese hackers outnumber FBI cybersecurity personnel by 50-to-1. Wray added, “Cyber threats to our critical infrastructure represent real-world threats to our physical safety.”
Jen Easterly, director of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, elaborated on Wray’s remarks. Here’s how she described the threat we’re facing today:
“It is Chinese military doctrine to attempt to induce societal panic in their adversary. The Chinese government got a taste of this in the aftermath of the ransomware attack on Colonial Pipeline in May of 2021 that shut down gas to the Eastern Seaboard for several days. [Americans] couldn't get to work. They couldn’t take their kids to school, get folks to the hospital. It caused a bit of panic.
“Now imagine that on a massive scale. Imagine not one pipeline, but many pipelines disrupted and telecommunications going down so people can’t use their cell phone. People start getting sick from polluted water. Trains get derailed. Air traffic control systems, port control systems are malfunctioning. This is truly an everything, everywhere all at once scenario.”
Everyone should watch Easterly’s testimony, especially many of the pro-China corporate apologists at the Chamber of Commerce!
Here’s another idea: Copy those quotes above. Give them to your neighbor or family member who hasn’t yet figured out how they’re going to vote because they don’t like Trump’s “mean tweets.”
Ask them this question: In the world we’re living in, do you really want a pro-China globalist making decisions on how to protect your family or someone who understands the threat and knows how to fight?
Johnson vs. China
Speaker Mike Johnson also took on communist China during a speech at the International Religious Freedom Summit. Speaker Johnson zeroed in on communist China’s “genocidal campaign of forced sterilization, forced detention and re-education” against the Uyghurs. He said:
“At this moment, the U.S. has an opportunity and an obligation to prevent genocide and punish those who commit it. . . This should not be a partisan issue. We should all be united on this. It’s who we are as Americans. And we must use all of our resources to prevent American involvement in Uyghur genocide.”
Persecution In America
Hundreds of churches across the United States have been attacked in recent years. Statues of Jesus and Mary have been destroyed. Churches have been vandalized with satanic slogans. Some have been burned to the ground.
These attacks on churches get virtually no media coverage. President Biden has never seriously addressed them. And if the thugs committing these hateful acts are caught, they are often given weak sentences.
But as I was going through the headlines this morning, I saw a story that jumped out at me.
An Ohio man who attempted (and failed) to firebomb a church was caught, and the Biden administration went all out to lock him up. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison. Wow! (You can tell an election is coming up.)
Then I dug a little further. Now let me be clear: No one should destroy statues of Jesus, vandalize or firebomb churches for any reason. The punishment should be severe. But in this case, the man said he attacked the church because it planned to host a drag queen show in the sanctuary. Some church!
So, the tough 18-year sentence wasn’t about defending religious liberty or sending a strong message against burning churches. It was about appeasing the LGBTQ crowd.
Meanwhile, as I noted yesterday, the Biden administration is aggressively prosecuting pro-life Christians who prayed and sang hymns during a “sit-in” at an abortion clinic just outside of Nashville, Tennessee. They were arrested, put on trial and convicted. Now they face up to 11 years in prison.
It is inconceivable that this “crime” gets you locked up in America for a decade! This kind of persecution is what happens in North Korea and communist China.
At a time when our FBI is worried that our enemies may shut down our lives with the flip of a switch, when a record number of illegal aliens on the terrorist watch list have crossed our border, when our nation’s capital is in the grip of a massive crime wave, Biden is putting people in jail for singing hymns in a hallway?!
Is abortion really that important to the left?
If the church of Jesus Christ was really acting like a serious movement, thousands of Christians would be in the streets of Nashville praying, singing hymns and telling the Biden Justice Department, “You don’t have enough jails to lock us all up!”
Biden’s Open Borders
If you need any more evidence that the left is all in on open borders, here you go.
- The House of Representatives passed a bill creating stiff penalties for illegal aliens who flee Border Patrol agents during dangerous, high-speed chases. Nearly three-quarters of House Democrats voted against the bill.
- The House passed a bill authorizing the deportation of illegal aliens who commit Social Security fraud. Nearly three-quarters of House Democrats voted against the bill.
- The House passed a bill authorizing the deportation of illegal aliens convicted of driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol. More than 70% of House Democrats voted against the bill.
- A new report finds that the Biden administration is providing direct financial support, including cash, to migrants marching toward our southern border. That’s an obvious incentive for illegal immigration. Your hard-earned tax dollars are paying for this border crisis, not just here but every step of the way through Latin America!
And finally, the New York Times published a remarkable story today about Mexico’s immigration restrictions. Here’s what the Times wrote in its morning newsletter:
“Mexico’s recent efforts offer a reminder: Stricter enforcement of immigration laws really does tend to reduce migration flows. . .
“The security of the border both directly and indirectly affects migration flows. In the short term, a less porous border allows fewer people to enter the U.S. . . . Longer term, a more secure border changes the calculation for people contemplating a harrowing journey toward the U.S.”
Even the left-wing New York Times gets it. Border security works!
This obvious logic has not eluded the Biden administration for the past three years. They have deliberately gutted enforcement of our immigration laws and undermined our border security.
In fact, Speaker Mike Johnson has posted a list of 64 times that Joe Biden took executive action to open the borders. If Biden was serious about border security now, he would stop blaming Republicans in Congress and start reversing every one of those 64 actions.
But he’s not serious. Instead, he’s trying to deflect blame by calling for a “deal” he knows will never happen.
Defending Faith, Family & Freedom
In this week’s “Defending Faith, Family and Freedom” podcast for the James Dobson Family Institute, I reflect on the catastrophic loss of the Space Shuttle Challenger and how President Ronald Reagan led a grieving nation in honoring our seven brave heroes.
