ASBN is committed to working with and alongside our network to develop and elevate the policy solutions needed for inclusive and long-lasting systems change -- thank you all for your part in advancing our mission.

ASBN in the Supreme Court: In oral arguments before the Supreme Court on the Loper Bright case, U.S. Solicitor General Elizabeth Prelogar twice mentioned the amicus brief filed by ASBN and Main Street Alliance; the brief warns against a cascade of regulatory uncertainty which would harm small businesses and a sustainable economy.

Ad for Business For Democracy Webinar on February 7th at 3pm

Protecting Election Workers: What are states doing to protect election workers from threats and harassment? Join Business for Democracy on February 7 at 3:00 pm ET for a discussion with Jonah Minkoff-Zern, co-director of Public Citizen’s Democracy Campaign, who will provide updates on state election efforts and how business leaders can support them. Register HERE.

Sustainable Pathways: Building Inclusive Supply Chains: The next ASBN Live event is on March 20, 12-1:00 pm ET. Join leaders from ASBN, The Ampersand Group, MRV Group, and the National Supplier Diversity Institute for a panel discussion about the challenges faced by BIPOC businesses in the supply chain and how to advocate for supplier diversity, environmental justice, and social impact. Register HERE.

Growing GRASS is hiring! ASBN is a lead partner in Growing GRASS, a USDA-funded project that seeks to increase the value and production of regeneratively grazed beef and bison in ways that benefit producers, rural economies, and the climate. We are seeking a Communications Coordinator to help tell our story. Learn more HERE.

Please take a few minutes to take action on the three key issues below:

Promote Business Diversity: The Department of Commerce seeks input on its draft Business Diversity Principles, which describe best practices related to diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility in the private sector. ASBN urges business leaders to support these principles: Click HERE to send comments by EOD on Friday, Feb. 2.

Protect Aquatic Life in the Delaware River: The EPA proposed a rule revising aquatic life-designated use and dissolved oxygen water quality criteria for the Delaware River, which would protect all life stages of oxygen-sensitive species (including several endangered species) and provide economic benefits to the region. Urge the EPA to finalize this rule: Click HERE to submit your support by Tuesday, Feb. 20.

Stronger Pollution Standards: ASBN urges the Biden Administration and the EPA to finalize and implement the strongest possible pollution standards to meet our climate, public health, and environmental justice goals. Add your name HERE before Feb. 29.  

Liza LaManna, ASBN's Manager of Regenerative Agriculture and Clean Water, was a featured speaker at the Rural Coalition’s Winter Forum, which convenes farmers, advocates, and Congressional staff to discuss policies in agriculture. Liza provided an important business perspective on IRA Implementation and the 2024 Farm Bill, especially the need for localized infrastructure.


Please welcome our newest ASBN members:

ASBN’s Working Groups and Task Forces provide members with an opportunity to shape and engage in policy work that is organized around major issue areas and specific campaigns.

To learn more about working groups and other benefits of ASBN membership, contact Shanti Holloway, ASBN Director of Membership Success

Working Group: Climate and Energy
Identifies key problems, solutions, and strategies to address the climate and energy crisis facing our planet. At January’s meeting, the group discussed the outcomes of COP28 and carbon dioxide removal. See our blog post explaining these issues. Contact Abby Maxwell to get involved.

Working Group: Regenerative Agriculture and Justice

Working in cooperation with farmers and other agricultural stakeholders, we advocate for sustainable agriculture, environmental justice, and support for underserved and BIPOC farmers.  To get involved, please contact ASBN’s Manager of Regenerative Agriculture and Clean Water, Liza LaManna.

Working Group: Democracy

Believes that a strong democracy is essential for a vibrant entrepreneurial economy. Join us on Feb. 7 at 3:00 pm ET for a public webinar, “Protecting Election Workers.” Jonah Minkoff-Zern, co-director of Public Citizen’s Democracy Campaign, will provide updates on state efforts to protect election workers from threats and harassment, and how business leaders can support them. (REGISTER). To join Business for Democracy or establish a collaborative in your area, contact Frank Knapp.

Working Group: Circular Economy

Emphasizes recycling, re-use, sharing, repair, and remanufacturing, and the reduction of waste, pollution, and carbon emissions throughout the economy. Contact David Levine to get involved.

Working Group: Safer Chemicals

Promotes policies for more robust chemical safety in workplaces, homes, communities, and the natural environment. Contact David Levine to get involved.

Appalachian Sustainable Business Network Listening Session
The Appalachian Sustainable Business Network (ASBN) is a dynamic and collaborative initiative dedicated to fostering sustainable innovation, economic resilience, and community well-being throughout the Appalachian region. Click here for more information or contact Lou Tierno to get involved.

Seeking Impactful Ventures - Apply to Present

Since 1987, Investors Circle (IC) has invested nearly $300 million into more than 350 early-stage businesses working to solve major social and environmental problems. IC welcomes seed-stage startups focused on making social and/or environmental impact. Apply here to present to our group of impact investors.

Investors Circle’s next meeting is February 15 from 12:00-2:00 pm ET. If you are an investor and would like to join a meeting, please contact ASBN Interim Executive Director Nancy Green to be included.

Are you a current active ASBN Member and receiving this email?

If so, please contact [email protected] so we can move your email address to receive our new members-only newsletter.