Watch the video addressing YOUR health care policy priorities.
Coalition to Protect America’s Health Care


A few weeks ago, we asked you which health care issues you wanted us to prioritize delivering to Congress. The response was overwhelming. You told us that Medicare funding, support for rural hospitals, and access to hospital-based care were ALL issues you want Congress to prioritize in 2024. 97% of you said “All of the Above.”

With your feedback, we created a new ad to send to Congress. Take a look at our Coalition’s video incorporating your legislative priorities.

Tell Congress that these are the legislative issues they must prioritize. As Congress continues to debate critical funding priorities, we want them to keep our health care policy goals in the forefront of their minds: funding for Medicare, funding for rural hospitals, and support for patient access to quality hospital care, among other key issues. Watch the Coalition's video today, then send a letter to your Members of Congress: don’t cut access to care!


Thank you for your advocacy.
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